Profiiciency question for Dual class fighters

Hi there, does anyone know if you can specialise or even get grandmasterty in a weapon proficiency after you have surpassed your old level. E.g 2nd level fighter duals to 3rd level mage. When the mage levels up can he select two or more pips in a weapon style or proficiency? Sorry if this is a bit confusing. Cheers
Then at level 6 you could take another pip to have 3.
At level 12 another pip for 4.
And at 18 another pip for grand mastery.
If instead you dualed at Fighter 3 and took the pip the fighter got at 3 you would get grand mastery by Mage level 12.
Mages max out in BG2 at level 31 at 7875000 xp. So you've got 125000 xp not being used. Meaning you can actually get to level 8 Fighter / 31 Mage and use every single xp point (8 Fighter is 125,000).
You don't gain a lot from that 8th level of fighter, but you do from the 7th level when you get an extra half level. Personally, I always take my fighter to 13 before I dual to mage for the full APR. However, let us talk BG1...
As far as BG1 is concerned you can level a fighter to 7 (64,000 xp) with 4 pips in your weapon of choice (2 at level 1, 1 at level 3, 1 at level 6).
Then dual to mage and STOP leveling your mage up once they are level 5, until you have the experience to jump all the way to 8 (90,000 xp). Doing this will level you up past 6 mage when the mage gets a weapon pip, but you will already have gained your fighter levels back allowing you to put that pip into Grand Mastery (5 pips) of what ever weapon you were working on.
So in BG1 you can have a Fighter 7 / 8 Mage with 2 pips in two weapon fighting (the other 2 of the 4 you get at level 1 have to go somewhere) and dual wielding long swords as a Grand Master. That is better than a single classed fighter can do.
If you want to power game this to the extreme. To this with a good aligned Kensai 7 / Mage 8 dual wielding Drizits scimitars.