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Feature Request: New damage spells with different damage types.

Currently in the game there are a ton of fire based spells well spread out by spell levels (Burning Hands (1), Agannazar's Scorcher (2), Fireball (3), Flame Arrow (3), Fire Shield (Red) (4), Sunfire (5), Delayed Blast Fireball (7), Incendiary Cloud (8), Meteor swarm (9), Dragon's Breath (quest)).

Meanwhile spells of other damage types are sorely lacking.

Lightning: Shocking Grasp (1), Lightning bolt (3) and Chain lightning (6).

Acid: Melf's Acid Arrow (2), Death Fog (6)

Cold: Ice Storm (4), Fire Shield (Blue) (4), Cone of Cold (5)

Poison: Cloudkill (5)

Magic: Magic Missile (1) Together with Death Spell only way to get rid of enemy Mordenkainen's Swords because of immunity to everything but magic damage.

It would be nice to even out the spread with more viable damage spells. I assume there are more spells to draw upon from 2nd edition source materials or other IE games, e.g. Otiluke's Freezing Sphere from IWD.


  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    You left out Larloch's minor drain (1), Skull trap (3) (which is actually better then both Fireball and delayed blast fireball, especially now that they increased the cast range in EE and EE2), Vampiric Touch (3), Finger of Death (7), and Horrid Wilting (8)...they all deal raw magic damage.

    Also chill touch (1) for cold

    10+ Chromatic Orb (1) for acid

    Prismatic spray (7) potentially deals magic, fire, electric, and poison, and some other effects.

    Bigby spells (8 and 9) and comet (10) both deal blunt damage.

    While not direct damage, the Wyvern summon is actually a VERY nasty spell (only hits as +3 though) anyone who has been poisoned by one can attest. Even if you save vs the spell, it only halves the total damage dealt which is actually really high. The Sword spiders from Spider Summon can hit as +5 and also have a poison..though admittedly no where near as nasty as the wyvern's.

    Death Fog also kills summoned creatures, and is actually better cause it's not a 1 shot spell and you can lead additional summons into it.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    To add fire-power to the elemental spells (pun not intended), there needs to be a new spell called lower elemental resistance. Acts the same as lower magic resistance except for elemental damage.
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