Are These Lost Banters?

In the process of writing up a Banter guide I've come across some (Non-Imoen) lines of dialogue that seem to not trigger at all.
Specifically the fault is in the interact.2da file. This file assigns NPCs a variable of "c" for compliment, "i" for insult and "s" for special. For example Eldoth and Coran have a "c" assigned to Viconia, so they will trigger their "compliment" soundfile and Viconia will reply with her "compliment response" soundfile.
However 7 NPCs have their "compliment response" or "insult response" unused because they either lack a "c" or "i" variable. The cases are as follows:
Branwen - Insult Response
1 - "I do not take such insults lightly." [BRANW32]
2 - "Do not mock me!" [BRANW34]
Montaron - Compliment Response
1 - "Mayhaps we should just befriend them all and go for tea, eh?" [MONTR33]
Eldoth - Compliment Response
1 - "I knew that" [ELDOT33]
Faldorn - Compliment Response
1 - "I thank you" [FALDN34]
Jaheira - Insult Response
1 - "You demonstrate your own pettiness. It saves me the trouble, so I take no offense." [JAHER32]
2 - "Careful. Ground tongue makes excellent fertilizer, especial with what you're spewing" [JAHER33]
3 - "Is grass not made of blades? Do stars not shoot? Nature be well armed, and demands so of her servants!" [JAHER34]
Viconia - Insult Response
1 - "I will not accept such arrogance from a male. On your knees." [VICON32]
2 - "Never again speak to me in such a manner." [VICON34]
Xzar - Compliment Response
1 - "Ah yes, the chatter of friends and compatriots! Does it not warm the cockles?" [XZAR34]
They could be triggered through another method that I've neglected, but I just want to be sure to put an asterisk besides them in the guide if they are truly faulty.
If they are truly faulty, then I guess there is no way of fixing them officially since it would breach the contract. But that doesn't stop someone from editing their own 2da file to make them work.
Specifically the fault is in the interact.2da file. This file assigns NPCs a variable of "c" for compliment, "i" for insult and "s" for special. For example Eldoth and Coran have a "c" assigned to Viconia, so they will trigger their "compliment" soundfile and Viconia will reply with her "compliment response" soundfile.
However 7 NPCs have their "compliment response" or "insult response" unused because they either lack a "c" or "i" variable. The cases are as follows:
Branwen - Insult Response
1 - "I do not take such insults lightly." [BRANW32]
2 - "Do not mock me!" [BRANW34]
Montaron - Compliment Response
1 - "Mayhaps we should just befriend them all and go for tea, eh?" [MONTR33]
Eldoth - Compliment Response
1 - "I knew that" [ELDOT33]
Faldorn - Compliment Response
1 - "I thank you" [FALDN34]
Jaheira - Insult Response
1 - "You demonstrate your own pettiness. It saves me the trouble, so I take no offense." [JAHER32]
2 - "Careful. Ground tongue makes excellent fertilizer, especial with what you're spewing" [JAHER33]
3 - "Is grass not made of blades? Do stars not shoot? Nature be well armed, and demands so of her servants!" [JAHER34]
Viconia - Insult Response
1 - "I will not accept such arrogance from a male. On your knees." [VICON32]
2 - "Never again speak to me in such a manner." [VICON34]
Xzar - Compliment Response
1 - "Ah yes, the chatter of friends and compatriots! Does it not warm the cockles?" [XZAR34]
They could be triggered through another method that I've neglected, but I just want to be sure to put an asterisk besides them in the guide if they are truly faulty.
If they are truly faulty, then I guess there is no way of fixing them officially since it would breach the contract. But that doesn't stop someone from editing their own 2da file to make them work.