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Should druids have more spells?

NecroblivionNecroblivion Member Posts: 210
Everyone are talking about how the bard is weak compared to other characters. But after finishing the game for few times now I realized that druids might be even weaker. I have noticed it when I saw the options I had when I reached 2nd level spells. I take only slow poison. I wanted to take other things for the sake of RP, but soon I realized that I don't really use those spells.

I don't understand much about how the magic weapons spells are working. What profs they need and such. But soon enough you will find a weapon which is better then the spell.

Anyway. Do you think that druids need a bit more spells?
  1. Should druids have more spells?32 votes
    1. Yes. Druids need more spells.
    2. Yes. But only offensive spells.
    3. Yes. But only defensive spells.
    4. Yes. But only none damaging CC.
    5. Yes. But only 1st and 2nd level spells.


  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    Clerics have a lot more exclusive spells than the Druid does and they tend to be quite good (Chaotic Commands, Free Action, etc.) whereas a lot of the Druid ones are junk (animal summoning). I'm happy enough to just add the Avenger spells to any/all Druids. IWD spells would be really sweet, Druids had some excellent ones there. So yes I'd like Druids to get more, particularly at lower levels.

    On the other hand, Druids have access to better weapons and at arguably better than Clerics at certain points in the series (end of TotSC, early SoA, ToB). I don't know if Druids really need extra spells for balancing but they certainly need them to be a more fun class to play.
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  • LindeblomLindeblom Member Posts: 257
    Hmmm, where is the option; No, they are fine as they are. ???? =)
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    No, they are fine as they are.
  • NecroblivionNecroblivion Member Posts: 210
    Mathmick said:

    Druids are actually pretty strong once they get a few levels in them. All the good spells are level 3+, but there are some really good ones mixed in, the insect swarm series being one of the more popular examples.

    Also, you'd be surprised how much damage animal shapeshifts can do. Bear forms in particular get plenty of attacks and decent damage.

    Also, your poll is biased. Druids don't really need more spells to match up to other classes in my opinion, and your poll doesn't give an option that reflects that opinion.

    LOL you are right. I truely sorry. I forgot to add a No option. Sorry for that. And it seems I cant edit it now :S

  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    The Divine Remix from G3 should be put into this game baseline. All the kits, all the spheres, all the spells.
  • EstarriolEstarriol Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2013
    They need more spells.
    In my opinion druids give up some really strong buff-Spells for minor offensive Spells from the divine spellselection.
    Insect swarm is nice, but later in the game, with a long casting-Time and allowing saving-throws it isn't the best choice to stop a powerfull mage. Call Lightning is only usefull in outdoor-areas and also has a long casting time.
    And my experience always was, that shapeshifting a spellcaster into an acceptable fighter (Bear/Spider/Wolfwere) at best, while loosing your ability to cast spells, isn't a good choice in diffcult encounters. The Ironskin may let you survive some rounds, but when the skins run out you have to transform back to human and recast the skin and then the shapeshift, and loosing important time of damagdealing or supporting.
    Unless for RP there are not many reasons to choose a Druid. And if you have both you will recognize, that you use the buffs of the Cleric all the time, because ha stand's in the middle of the battlefield, where he survives because of better AC and is also able to become a good Fighter without loosing his ability of casting spells. While the druidspells will only come in handy in special situations (Outdoor, strong spellcaster etc., fighting against animals)
    Post edited by Estarriol on
  • AkerhonAkerhon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 614
    Should druids have more spells? IMHO No. xD
  • TinterTinter Member Posts: 152
    Druids face an awful selection at low levels. At high levels, they get some really great spells- they get less than clerics, but its better.

    Druids as a single class probably lose out- extra restrictions without a lot of what makes them worthwhile in P&P. Still, they do great as a multiclass and Avengers are pretty nice too.
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    Actually, I'd love to see some additional divine spells added to the game, taken from other Infinity engine games (Planescape : Torment, Icewind dale / HoW)

    While the Arcane spell selection is fine accross the board (there's always something nice to use), I find the divine spells rather lacking in BG1.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    they should...but i don't want it!
  • HowieHowie Member Posts: 136
    BG druids are weaker than PnP druids because lots of spells aren't directly implemented, nor is that practical.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418

    How not to do a poll... A poll is meant to give some real choice e.g. at least one "No" option and an "Other" option

    This exactly!

  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Apathy is the only response to polls.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Pantalion said:

    Apathy is the only response to polls.

    The trouble with the world today is apathy but who gives a crap? ;-)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    I don't care that much about spells, but I'm going for more shapeshifting abilities (I'm making some in NI). I love Avenger sooo much, it's so much fun.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Should go in offtopic
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Eh, no. Why is there no "no" option? Everything needs a "no" option.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited January 2013
    Yes. Give druids Remove Fear back. Like it was in BG1. Otherwise I have no problem with their spell selection.
  • SirK8SirK8 Member Posts: 527
    @Necroblivion - you can't ask yes or no question in a poll and then not provide a "no" option. Regardless of my opinion on this question, I will abstain from voting in this poll since it is not valid.
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173

    Eh, no. Why is there no "no" option? Everything needs a "no" option.

    Lol. I didn't even see that myself.
  • UnknownQuantityUnknownQuantity Member Posts: 242
    Druids could use more spells, but I think lots of classes could use enhancements. Perhaps some even more than Druids. I would like to see Druids gain the ability to choose a neutral good and neutral evil alignment. Rangers could use additional spells a lot more. Perhaps they should have access to fourth circles druid spells like a Paladin has access to fourth circle priest spells.
  • chickenhedchickenhed Member Posts: 208
    As has been stated, this poll needs a 'No'. There is a lot more to this game than raw power. The unique spells druids get ARE unique and suit them well. Druids, unlike clerics and like mages, need a bit of hand holding at first. But they have a lot to add. Especially later. Greater Elemental Summoning is perhaps my favourite HLA in the game. The Prince of Earth, Sunnis, is a beast.
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