Ironskin is a druid spell and therefore learned on reaching the appropriate level, not through a scroll. There are very few divine scrolls in the game at all and ironskin isn't one of them to my knowledge.
Ironskin is a druid spell and therefore learned on reaching the appropriate level, not through a scroll. There are very few divine scrolls in the game at all and ironskin isn't one of them to my knowledge.
In fact I have only seen cure medium wounds and (lesser) restoration for divine scrolls.
Ironskin is a druid spell and therefore learned on reaching the appropriate level, not through a scroll. There are very few divine scrolls in the game at all and ironskin isn't one of them to my knowledge.
In fact I have only seen cure medium wounds and (lesser) restoration for divine scrolls.
I came across Chaotic Commands, Champion's Strength, and Defensive Harmony (1 of each) on my playthrough of BG:EE.
There are some priest spell scrolls in Durlag's tower too. And yes I looted one stoneskin scroll from Andris fight (ice island) and my wild mage botched to write it (minimal reloads) so I would love if there was one more scroll in the game?
Ahh thank you, I do not have Neera in my current game (not purchased on ipad) so I guess that's it for me. Very clever tactic on developers part though, a second stonesekin scroll sure can be the reason to buy Neera add-on ^^
Ahh thank you, I do not have Neera in my current game (not purchased on ipad) so I guess that's it for me. Very clever tactic on developers part though, a second stonesekin scroll sure can be the reason to buy Neera add-on ^^
Are you able to install mods on the iPad? The BG2Tweak pack down in the mod forum works for BG:EE, and also adds some spell scrolls for purchase and to find. I know stoneskin is one of them as I have it without having done Neera's quest or the Tower on my Mage currently.
Sorceress Sundries in the baldur's gate city entrance has every scroll in the game level 1-5 as well as all the green spells (I think) from BG2. If you have that 20 charisma and 20 reputation, then all of it should be dirt cheap from all the gold you've been saving up to that point. I had about 70000 gold doing just the main quest only and with about a 13-14 rep and it was all still affordable.
EDIT: I'm wrong about it having all mage scrolls, it just has most of them, stoneskin NOT among them.
Nope! I dont think anything dropped. Same thing happened during Rasaad's quest. I killed the guy with Jehiera's call lightning and the guy didn't drop anything. The quest didn't advance either so I reloaded and tried again. Reloading worked for Rasaad's quest but It's waaaay to late to reedo Neera's quest.
Sorceress Sundries in the baldur's gate city entrance has every scroll in the game level 1-5 as well as all the green spells (I think) from BG2. If you have that 20 charisma and 20 reputation, then all of it should be dirt cheap from all the gold you've been saving up to that point. I had about 70000 gold doing just the main quest only and with about a 13-14 rep and it was all still affordable.
Sorceress Sundries in the baldur's gate city entrance has every scroll in the game level 1-5 as well as all the green spells (I think) from BG2. If you have that 20 charisma and 20 reputation, then all of it should be dirt cheap from all the gold you've been saving up to that point. I had about 70000 gold doing just the main quest only and with about a 13-14 rep and it was all still affordable.
It had Sunfire and Melf's minute meteors, two very rare and extremely powerful spells, buy I don't remember seeing stoneskin there. Otherwise I would buy it in a heartbeat. Oh well. I will have to make sure Sarevok never touches my pc. On insane difficulty I suspect he can ko me with one swing. (Con=10, hp=34 with familiar) Scary.
Sorceress Sundries in the baldur's gate city entrance has every scroll in the game level 1-5 as well as all the green spells (I think) from BG2. If you have that 20 charisma and 20 reputation, then all of it should be dirt cheap from all the gold you've been saving up to that point. I had about 70000 gold doing just the main quest only and with about a 13-14 rep and it was all still affordable.
Ahh thank you, I do not have Neera in my current game (not purchased on ipad) so I guess that's it for me. Very clever tactic on developers part though, a second stonesekin scroll sure can be the reason to buy Neera add-on ^^
LOL. Actually, Ekandor came without loot and since he used stoneskin (a bg2 spell), i thought he could have it.
Sorceress Sundries in the baldur's gate city entrance has every scroll in the game level 1-5 as well as all the green spells (I think) from BG2. If you have that 20 charisma and 20 reputation, then all of it should be dirt cheap from all the gold you've been saving up to that point. I had about 70000 gold doing just the main quest only and with about a 13-14 rep and it was all still affordable.
you're wrong
stop posting incorrect stuff
Your right, my bad. I'll not skim through it next time. But I was right about it having those green scrolls and it has every potion too.
As for stone skin, do Neera's questline, get to Adoy's cave, kill things, get scroll and other goodies, profit. Otherwise, you could always just edit your gold through the console and then add the scroll. Technically speaking, if your at a fancy scroll shop, you could just pretend you bought it legit.
One more on Neeras quest.
Two total in the game.
Ahh thank you, I do not have Neera in my current game (not purchased on ipad) so I guess that's it for me. Very clever tactic on developers part though, a second stonesekin scroll sure can be the reason to buy Neera add-on ^^
EDIT: I'm wrong about it having all mage scrolls, it just has most of them, stoneskin NOT among them.
stop posting incorrect stuff
As for stone skin, do Neera's questline, get to Adoy's cave, kill things, get scroll and other goodies, profit. Otherwise, you could always just edit your gold through the console and then add the scroll. Technically speaking, if your at a fancy scroll shop, you could just pretend you bought it legit.