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Looking for Information from iPad BG:EE Owners

bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
edited January 2013 in iPad (Archive)
Hey gang,

I don't own an iPad so I'm coming to the gang that does. I'm currently gathering some information and need help from iPad BG:EE owners.

My questions are regarding game play on a touch screen and how you control the game.

If anyone is willing to help out with a few questions I have, please PM me so that I can get in touch with you to provide more details. The answers may be involved on your behalf, so I would need someone willing to be in communication long term, or doesn't mind putting in a little bit of effort to help someone out.

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  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    Ask away.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Can ask me too but prefer a public forum so that others can benefit if they are interested.

    I just finished the game for the first time and on the ipad exclusively too.

    I wasn't interested in getting the game on the computer it didn't seem worth it but on a new platform it's fun and great. I definitely like being able to play anywhere and the games isn't too hard on the battery (with brightness turned down a bit).

    Chief issues I have will hopefully be resolved in the upcoming patch but are certainly manageable like selecting small targets and transitions.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited January 2013

    What type of touchscreen functionality are there for BG:EE? Touchscreen specific elements.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    BG is point and click, works the same on iPad. No multitouch features though which is disappointing except zooming, maybe that'll be rectified in the future.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Can you move the camera to other areas of the map by pushing your finger to the edge of the screen?
  • famousringofamousringo Member Posts: 28

    Can you move the camera to other areas of the map by pushing your finger to the edge of the screen?

    Not exactly, as that wouldn't be consistent with how scrolling is normally accomplished on a tablet. You touch any point on the screen and move your finger. The camera moves correspondingly in the opposite direction, as if you were dragging the landscape around like a piece of paper on a desk.

  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336

    Can you move the camera to other areas of the map by pushing your finger to the edge of the screen?

    Not exactly, as that wouldn't be consistent with how scrolling is normally accomplished on a tablet. You touch any point on the screen and move your finger. The camera moves correspondingly in the opposite direction, as if you were dragging the landscape around like a piece of paper on a desk.

    I would consider that a touch screen only feature. Are there other things like that?

  • GiolonGiolon Member Posts: 22
    Think about how you interact with a mouse. It's basically the same but replace your mouse with your finger.

    Tap = Click
    Double Tap = Double Click
    Tap and hold = Right Click
    To multi-select characters, you tap a lasso button, then drag a box around the characters.

    Zoom = Pinch to zoom
    Move Screen = Drag finger to move screen
  • famousringofamousringo Member Posts: 28
    Giolon pretty much summed it up. I wish there were more. Especially when it comes to multi-selection.

    The only other thing I can think of is that you tap and drag portraits in the right sidebar to change party order.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited March 2013
    Hey guys!

    Just wanted to bump up this thread.

    Have there been further improvement or refinement to the BG:EE iPad controls?
  • Chinese_JetpilotChinese_Jetpilot Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2013
    Can't speak for builds prior to 2012 (and how they've improved since then), but I'll mention four issues I've experienced with the touch interface.

    1) As has been mentioned on these boards before, sometimes dragging the screen is considered a tap to move. Usually the circle markers will just be shown and no erroneuos movement occurs, but it sometimes does happen

    2) If characters are grouped closely (right next to each other), sometimes clicks do not register (to attack, for example). This only occurs when fully zoomed out. When zoomed in, this doesn't happen. Fortunately, zooming in/out is real easy on the iPad. And it doesn't happen often enough to be too annoying.

    3) It's difficult to split items, at least for me. Perhaps a "Split"button in the item info would be possible.

    4). As mentioned already, you still cannot select a group of specific party members unless they're near each other to use the highlight selection key

    I know you asked for improvements, and I don't mean to be a negative nancy. Off the top of my head, these are the issues I've experienced. Otherwise the touch interface is utilized quite well. The ipad has become my defacto choice to play BG:EE, surprisingly (if you don't mind the lack of modding, of course!)
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,450
    I've probably played more on the iPad than on my PC since this version came out. The command for picking up and selecting objects has been improved; and finding doorways seems easier now (I think they enlarged the "target" area for these things). But some of the other issues, like splitting piles, remain. I have completed the game on iPad, and have four other games going currently; really no serious problems.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    It has been improved for sure. Tapping containers, stuff on the ground and doors and stairs are very easy, they have a larger interaction area. It works well. Sometimes too well, like, I want to go near a pile of kobold sword on the ground to backstab another, but my char goes to the pile to pick it up, spoiling his hide in shadows. He is a cool shadowdancer though, so he can slip back into the shadows just as well.

    @Chinese_Jetpilot Ipad is indeed a marvelous platform to play BG:EE on the go. Feels so comfortable and natural. I was able to do some light modding without jailbreak too, I run sword coast strategems now and the battles are cool and epic! On my lightweight, easy to carry Ipad! ^_^
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  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336

    I believe iOS has a two finger rotate gesture that could be used for that, if it gets implemented.
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    So, hypothetical question:

    The Mac OS version has implemented 2-finger drag to pan the game screen, and if you 2 finger drag in a circle around your selected destination, you can rotate the party formation.

    Would these options implemented on the iPad be a reasonable solution?
  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    No. Using the same gesture for two different functions is bad usability.
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    They are different, I used the wrong terminology, and to be honest, I don't know if the rotate can be implemented on the iPad as it is on the Mac:

    Pan is a pure two-finger swipe. Works really well, and I think this would solve the is it a click / is it a drag problem on the iPad. I think this one is a no brainer.

    Rotate is a drag: a two finger click (press down the trackpad) then drag while holding the click engaged. I don't know if / how this could be implemented on the iPad (touch to move, add 2nd finger to rotate?), but I asked because obviously we are closer to implementation of this than a pure rotate. Again, I'm not sure how OS-level rotate is implemented, but most apps don't seem to care *where* you are rotating, it just rotates the entire content. For rotate to work on BGEE, you need to capture the position, then rotate around that position.
  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    edited March 2013
    It is easier to keep pan as is, but change the way touch events are handled, and use the two-finger drag for party rotation.
    Post edited by iKrivetko on
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    edited March 2013
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