Can not connect to people in Multiplayer

in Multiplayer
I can not get the multiplayer to connect to people. My friend has it on ipad and i have it on PC. We have all the proper ports open and still we can not seem to connect to each others games. Any suggestions?
I can not get the multiplayer to connect to people. My friend has it on ipad and i have it on PC. We have all the proper ports open and still we can not seem to connect to each others games. Any suggestions?
A friend and I are actually having a similar problem, albeit on a different platform. We both have copies of BG:EE purchased from Steam, and we cannot connect to each other in order to play multiplayer. We have ports 47630, 6073, and 2300-2400 forwarded (both TCP and UDP) on the host, and we're never able to connect.
Any news on how to fix multiplayer?
when i bought this game, i thought it was an Enhanced version. this is the same game but bg2 on top of it. sucha shame. didnt the count down on their website start around now just a year ago? beeen waitin since last january(?) for a bunk game.
i actually looked into it, turns out they have lots of lines of codes and they couldnt get it all done in time. we got 'vanguard' 'd. im not looking for excuses when i buy the game, i want answers.
how many times are we going to 'fix multiplayer issues' and have nothing change lol <---
(also notice how they close alot of negative game posts from forums? lawl)
That said, this question then transitions to when distribution on the Steam platform will be up-to-date with the Beamdog platform?
The issue stems from the iPad version using Build 2009b, while the PC version is using Build 2012. As soon as the latest patch is approved by Apple and distributed to iPad users (it should be in the next couple of weeks), you should be able to connect just fine."
So i suppose when that patch is released for Ipad it will fix the problem..
"Remember, 192.168.*.* is not an IP address to connect to - it's an internal network IP - and you'll need one's real IP to play Baldur's Gate."
I have played with people multiplayer on the same local router. Instantly connects, but others with or without PC can not connect to me and i can not connect to them no matter what IP of ours we try.
I also briefly looked at Hamachi, and it seemed to me that they wanted like $20 a year to utilize their program...(shareware) I'm not cool with that because for all I know tomorrow they will have beamdog multiplayer lobbies