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Want my German Language Patch NOW

I've Player all Baldurs Gate and Extensions as many Other Gamers, worldwide, but i've played the Game completely in German, Text and speak, so that was Fine, Now its on iPad only english, that SUX, i want my German Language, for a played Game.
Paying for an english Beta is holy Shit.
Never Pay for this Publisher One Cent for so sucking Support of my Language.


  • iKrivetkoiKrivetko Member Posts: 934
    You should know the whole game by heart at this moment anyway.
    Why not use it to improve your English?
  • DefconOneDefconOne Member Posts: 7
    Go back to your Nazi Party meeting, Cinfreak. Either that, or bother to read the other posts. "Want my German Language Patch NOW". What the hell are you going to do if you don't get it, invade France?
  • EstarriolEstarriol Member Posts: 22
    @ DefconOne: Not every german guy is a nazi. And not every french guy is a (i quote) cheese-eating surrender monkey...
    You should use your words more wisely, because you could hurt some people with flat and generalized statements like these.

    @ Cinfreak: i have to confirm the former answers. You should use the english Version of bg:EE to improve your english.
    At this moment, it is unkown when the other languages will be available. I would guess: as soon as possible ;-) But it will not go faster, because of your childish babbeling.

    Ich muss meinen Vorrednern recht geben. Du solltest die englische Version von BG nutzen, um deine Englischkenntnisse zu verbessern. Die Entwickler haben bisher keinen termin genannt, wann die anderen Sprachen freigeschaltet werden. Ich würde schätzen: So schnell wie möglich. Dein kindisches Gemecker wird den Prozess nicht beschleunigen.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    This is a direct duplicate of this thread:

    The German, Spanish, and French language support are coming; it's just taking a little bit longer than anticipated. If you have concerns about your language not being supported, you can send an email to and I'll handle it personally.

    Thread closed.
This discussion has been closed.