Should Rasaad wield a staff?

I keep looking at Rasaad's portrait in game and the other art available for him and can't help but be bugged a bit by him having a staff and not being able to wield one in game. I know Monk's have their own restrictions on what they wield, but I've often pictured Monks as wielding staffs. Seeing it in Rasaad's art makes we wonder if this couldn't be changed, even if it was just for Rasaad.
I'm wondering if it's theoretically possible for Monks to wield staffs or do they not have the required animations?

I'm wondering if it's theoretically possible for Monks to wield staffs or do they not have the required animations?

In the game monk's natural unarmed attacks are considered to keep their two-hands busy (they even look like they are holding a staff when not attacking in combat mode) they can not equip a two handed weapon nor can dual wield.
Never did.
That the portrait depicts a staff - eww. It could have been worse if it depicts it equipped.
Still, at least we have the portraits. I like them fine enough.
Longer answer:
The original animator (for bg2) made xbow/bow/sling animations instead of staves.
We are working on this, but can't promise it will be done soon or ever.
I do recall monks using weapons being effective in 3.5, they can still get their full attacks and what they lose in base damage dice they make up for by having an enhancement bonus to hit and damage.