game told me to go to to get ips for multiplayer

in Multiplayer
where do i find this... im using the steam kind
You or whoever you are connecting to are running a firewall or a router. Make sure your friends do the same listed below.
1. You need to add ports (TCP and UDP) into either one. Preferably the router if you own one. You can search this forum for them.
2. Go to command prompt, and type IPCONFIG. WRITE THIS IP DOWN and have others connect to it. Or you can connect to their IP.
Hamachi is not needed whats so ever.
The way I found my ip was to just search "myip" in google. "" shows up with a green number such as ip exsample.).
Ipconfig for me does not give me my personal ip address for others to connect too.
When it comes to port forwarding it can get a bit tricky. I suggest looking up guides on how to do it for your router. Once you learn it, it becomes very useful and very easy.
First, a number of multiplayer bugs have been fixed by now that might not be fixed for the Steam release.
Second (and kind of related), unless all of the players are playing the Steam version, you won't be able to start a multiplayer game because the versions are different.