Does anyone have any theories of what Adventure X and Adventure Y could potentially be?

I know that the BG:EE Team has already discussed the use of DLC for the game. But these two adventures seem interesting to me, especially how they would both tie into the Bhaalspawn plot in different ways. I'm really excited to see how these play out and what new characters and areas will be integrated along with these original stories. I think it'll be really fun to play through, since we'll also get an increased level cap because of it.
Has Beamdog said whether the quests you're referring to will be for the protagonist, and therefore (presumably) related to the central plot?
Will BGEE also include new sidequests from existing NPCs? And introduce new NPCs/sidequests?
Both adventures will be separate from the game. My supposition is that it's going to be similar as Throne of Bhaal is with SoA.
Something else that we know is that one is tied with the bhaalspawn plot, while another is not (adventure X isn't, Y is. Or maybe the other way around).
We know that both adventure have their own theme, meaning maybe 2 completely different maps? (not areas, whole maps). I am not convinced.
Another quite old tweet states that there are snowy covered areas, as well as another stating that hasted beholders are BAD.
That's just a few clues around, but my supposition is that the adventures take place after Sarevok's defeat, on the Cloud Peak mountains. It would make some sort of sense I guess, since the Bhaalspawn left "under circumstances much darker than anyone would have thought" as the Shadows of Amn narrator puts it.
So yeah, god knows. All I know is that we'll definitely see some mr. Scarface bald man in them! (or rough bearded man, whichever you prefer)
Trent Oster @TrentOster
Just listened to a new track from Sam. Hint of an Arabic (sp?) feel to it. Will be a great theme for The B**** ****
However, there has been a lot of "islands" so I think it will rather be some mainland now. Maybe you can take a ship from Baldur to a foreign land with a "hint of arabic" in it. More exotic could be Halrua (not sure of the spelling, but the mage kingdom with flying ballons), dunno if it is related but there were one of their shp in Baldur, so it's still a possibility in that regard.
Probably not neverwinter though, too much games used that one
@mch202 around the areas of BGI we can extend in the north to waterdeep, but it is a long way with no cities, even small ones. There is a "warlock crypt" and Dragonspear castle next to the High moor. But I don't really know about those.
The south is Amn, and done in BGII so apart from a border, I don't think it will be interesting that way...
To the east there are some minor cities and some big ones, but it does stretch a bit wide compared to the existing map of BGI. There is cormyr also but that's a long way.
But in the end, its all speculations, we will have to wait and see.
I just hope that they will extend the bg map and that the adventures wont take you to other places with new maps.. it will feel out of place and not a part of the original game....
I mean, not that I hate the current map, it certainly looks more "mappy" but I loved the color and the colored icons from BG2. It's another thing to speculate on I guess
I used to know canon Amn really well, and Calmishan fairly well... But the "B**** ****" clue isn't ringing any bells in my head.
Second, I got the feeling we will get a little surprise by visiting an interesting place north to bg ;-)
**you've gotta love google :-)
I'm pretty sure that Adventure X and Adventure Y aren't DLC. They're part of the new content for BGEE.
"work on some old-school isometric maps for the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition"
I guess we will get some new maps
features that i can confirm:
- lots of clicking and/or tapping
- goblins
- a dude tries to kill you, but instead you kill him
From this we can safely surmise that.. uh.. no, nevermind
Some of the areas you explore in BG1 can be quite empty so I expect any new adventure would be based outside rather than in Baldur's Gate itself.
Here is the list of the suspects to the south, in the Cloudpeak mountains:
The Fangs/Fangs Pass
The Neck
Citidal of Amnur
Mt. Speartop
Citidal of Rashtur
This are the only places of interest I could find in 2nd Edition maps, not much information on those places.
But I wonder... What type of monsters there are in the Cloudpeak mountains?? similiar to the Icewind Dale? Hill/Frost Giants,Goblins, Trolls etc??