Where is the promised German dubbing? =/

I paid 20 euros and wait since two months for the German audio dubbing. The game just makes no fun without those...
Also I'd like to have the French dubbing, because I also want to play the Game in French (I'm bilingual)
Also I'd like to have the French dubbing, because I also want to play the Game in French (I'm bilingual)
Ich weiß, aber da erreiche ich keine der Entwickler.
As for the language sound support, we're working on getting that up and running; I'll try to get some more information about a time-frame (i.e. "this patch, next patch, the patch after that, etc."), but for now all I can say is try to be patient. If you have further concerns about it, send an email to support and I'll see if I can find a better solution for you.