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You can import your BGEE characters into SoA

so i just finished another game of bgee and i exported all my characters and you can actually take those characters and put them into bg II with no muss or fuss, the scripts stay the same, spell selection stays the same ( even for mages, you keep all the spells you knew and they are memorized the way you had them before) but there are 2 differences, #1: any new portraits from bgee will not be shown in bg2 unless you have the new portraits in your bg2 game ( have no idea how to take the new portraits from bgee so i had "question mark" portraits) #2: if you dual classed your character in bgee and send them over to shadows of amn you xp in the 2nd class can go all the way up to 161 000 XP, for exmaple: i dual classed my fighters ( for my cleric/thief/mage) all at level 7, so they had 64 000xp when they dualled over, but when i started bg2 instead of being capped at 97 000 XP like i should, those 3 were at 133 000XP ( must have saved over from the previous game) but nothing that shadow keeper couldnt fix. So your game doesnt have to end in BGEE, once you finish there you can import to SoA and continue on with your characters


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    You can also import your SoA characters into BG:EE
    It's not officially supported though, and wont work if you use the new blackguard class
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    can you import soa characters with soa items into bgee, like rings of gaxx and axe of the unyeilding for example?
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    sarevok57 said:

    can you import soa characters with soa items into bgee, like rings of gaxx and axe of the unyeilding for example?

    Not sure - I dont think so, unless the item is present in the game or in the black pits.

  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I believe you can, although the items wouldn't import with you unless they have matching references in BGEE.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    ah i sheeeees, this is like trying to trade pokemans from 3rd generation to 4th generation and vice versa :)
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