Usuno's Blade, +4 Wakizashi with a 10% chance of dealing 2d10 electrical damage (save for half). I can see why it would be looked over, as a small chance for damage that can be saved against is easy to devalue. You're looking at an average of 1.1 electrical damage being added to each attack, assuming the enemy never saves.
The real value comes from the option to pick it up early, though if you have Usuno's Blade, you have Foebane +3. I'd rather use the latter, but there's no reason you can't use both in the same party.
@TJ_Hooker and @Kaigen it's the same basic damage as Celestial fury with physical average damage. EXACTLY. But with the bonus to of +1 more to hit that also lets you hit creatures of Kangaxx's level, and the proc which bumps it up a bit in starts to get interesting. Yes you can save against the damage, but it can also get through stone skin and interrupt casters.
Foebane is great too, don't get me wrong, but I think this weapon is really better than people let on. (Or maybe not as obvious?) I just scrambled Kangaxx's brains solo with this and Belm on a Kensai / Mage with Grandmastery in scimmies, dualed at 13 to test it out and confirm. I didn't even have to cast improved haste.
Well, when you average out the damage from the proc between CF and Usuno's, they're almost dead even there too. It's main usefulness is the fact that it's a +4, so iif you want to hit Kangaxx early (i.e. before you pick up the Mace of Disruption) and don't mind stopping by Watcher's Keep first then it's good for that. I guess from where I'm sitting the main draw of Celestial Fury isn't its damage proc but rather it's chance to stun.
Well, when you average out the damage from the proc between CF and Usuno's, they're almost dead even there too. It's main usefulness is the fact that it's a +4, so iif you want to hit Kangaxx early (i.e. before you pick up the Mace of Disruption) and don't mind stopping by Watcher's Keep first then it's good for that. I guess from where I'm sitting the main draw of Celestial Fury isn't its damage proc but rather it's chance to stun.
The stun is GREAT but there's really no better Katana...whereas I can get Spectral Brand later...I guess what I'm saying is, everyone goes Katana because the Stun is fantastic, but in ToB it stops being as useful...Usano is good even until the end of the game...and there's a better weapon in the future with SB...And it hits more anyway even with normal creatures. =/ I just's better but it's not as glamorized.
CF is even kind of a pain to get...but it's pretty easy to find UB.
Okay, I think I see what you're saying. Usuno's Blade is handy because it's a good weapon that you can build your proficiencies for and pick up early as a stepping stone to even better weapons. Heck, if you steal Drizzt's Scimitars early on in BG1, you can ensure that you're never without a high quality scimitar. In comparison, CF just kind of floats there, without any amazing precursors or upgrades.
Well, when you average out the damage from the proc between CF and Usuno's, they're almost dead even there too. It's main usefulness is the fact that it's a +4, so iif you want to hit Kangaxx early (i.e. before you pick up the Mace of Disruption) and don't mind stopping by Watcher's Keep first then it's good for that. I guess from where I'm sitting the main draw of Celestial Fury isn't its damage proc but rather it's chance to stun.
The stun is GREAT but there's really no better Katana...whereas I can get Spectral Brand later...I guess what I'm saying is, everyone goes Katana because the Stun is fantastic, but in ToB it stops being as useful...Usano is good even until the end of the game...and there's a better weapon in the future with SB...And it hits more anyway even with normal creatures. =/ I just's better but it's not as glamorized.
CF is even kind of a pain to get...but it's pretty easy to find UB.
I don't know, CF still seems like the superior weapon even in TOB, as long as you're not fighting an enemy that requires greater than +3 to hit. But yeah, Usuno's probably deserves a lot more credit than it's given.
Okay, I think I see what you're saying. Usuno's Blade is handy because it's a good weapon that you can build your proficiencies for and pick up early as a stepping stone to even better weapons. Heck, if you steal Drizzt's Scimitars early on in BG1, you can ensure that you're never without a high quality scimitar. In comparison, CF just kind of floats there, without any amazing precursors or upgrades.
@Kaigen - EXACTLY it's the only decent Katana for abilities. Zerth's isn't very good at all...and the +2 Katana you can get in the Black Pits isn't any better.
There's a generic +3 Katana you can buy in ToB but it's not special at all or worthy of being an offhand.
And Hindo's Doom starts out as a +3 and you have to upgrade it to just kind of sucks since it doesn't have better special abilities unlike Spectral Brand which gives you immunity to Level Drain.
Plus, you're right...even NOT stealing Drizzt's gear there's several +2 Scimmies...(Three counting the Black Pits) in BG1.
There's always good Scimitars, it's ALWAYS a good weapon class.
@Kaigen plus if you GM in it, it leaves so many good weapons for you NPC's...Foebane, Axe of Unyielding, Mace of Disruption, Daystar, THREE staves that are +4 that you can get early, one you can buy....The Purifier...(Hell give Keldorn ++Bastard Swords for the Purifier and Foebane...give Minsc Mace and longsword (Daystar, The Answerer, Angurduval), leaving The Axe of Unyielding free for anyone else or maybe as a replacement for Purifier later in ToB if you're talking single handed weapons that really matter. And if someone else uses Scimitars have two that are +4 to go around and two offhands that add extra attacks with Kundane and Belm. And the Short Sword of The Mask. Which I think you can buy.
That's a lot of +4 weapons before ToB if you do it right. CF just kind of feels like Fluff to me. If it could be upgraded like FoA it would make Katana's rank but they sorta don't by comparison.
Didn't know people didn't use this on a semi-regular basis.
Spectral Brand in one hand and Usano's Blade in the other.
I realize the Flail of the Ages is better (and I love it to death) but my CHARNAMEs normally dual wield things with edges. Longswords, Katanas, Scimitars are the three I do the most.
Meh, I got over the edged and piercing fad back when I realized that while the base damage tends to be lower, blunt is positively broken in terms how easy it is to hit, how universally useful a damage type it is as nothing resists it specifically and only 1 rare type of armor has a very minor ac vs it, and the fact that NOTHING is immune to blunt (well, not blunt specifically, if they are, they're equally immune to slashing or piercing, same for resistances).
Meh, I got over the edged and piercing fad back when I realized that while the base damage tends to be lower, blunt is positively broken in terms how easy it is to hit, how universally useful a damage type it is as nothing resists it specifically and only 1 rare type of armor has a very minor ac vs it, and the fact that NOTHING is immune to blunt (well, not blunt specifically, if they are, they're equally immune to slashing or piercing, same for resistances).
@ZanathKariashi - Well...Flails, Hammers and Staves are all really amazing. But Mace is kind of underrated-ish for this reason as Mace of Disruption does count as a +4 weapon when upgraded. (which you should always do really, even if you're a priest of Lathander doing your stronghold quest it's for the greater good to smite foes)
That being good as blunt is...would you really make everyone in your party use only blunt weapons?
Without hesitation, except for the handful who shouldn't be anywhere near melee (single class wizards....or Nalia and maybe Imeon...their BS mod just isn't really high enough to justify giving them the staff of the ram, which a warrior type would just bash the enemy's face in for ~10x damage...or at least 3-4 without having to use haste/GWW (vs Nalia's x2 and Imeon's x3 backstab). Usually give my wizard a Firetooth (dagger) and a str belt...or dart or dart +1 and a strength belt. Once the +2 and over enemies start cropping up, if I haven't gotten Firetooth yet, I'll give the mage a Crimson Dart.
In short, if they're a decent slot for melee, sure. Unfortunately, all ranged options, including the dwarven thrower hammer, deal Missile (piercing) in their ranged form.
That's a lot of +4 weapons before ToB if you do it right. CF just kind of feels like Fluff to me. If it could be upgraded like FoA it would make Katana's rank but they sorta don't by comparison.
And the +4 is only important in few battles. While the stun helps enormously in many battles even in TOB but I usually use Katanas only on non fighters because this will leave enough skill points for 2 different weapons.
That's a lot of +4 weapons before ToB if you do it right. CF just kind of feels like Fluff to me. If it could be upgraded like FoA it would make Katana's rank but they sorta don't by comparison.
And the +4 is only important in few battles. While the stun helps enormously in many battles even in TOB but I usually use Katanas only on non fighters because this will leave enough skill points for 2 different weapons.
Almost all key boss fights in late SoA and ToB need +4 or better weapons. And there are mobs later on it's best to have them for.
That's a lot of +4 weapons before ToB if you do it right. CF just kind of feels like Fluff to me. If it could be upgraded like FoA it would make Katana's rank but they sorta don't by comparison.
And the +4 is only important in few battles. While the stun helps enormously in many battles even in TOB but I usually use Katanas only on non fighters because this will leave enough skill points for 2 different weapons.
Almost all key boss fights in late SoA and ToB need +4 or better weapons. And there are mobs later on it's best to have them for.
In TOB its true but who besides Kangax needs +4 in BG2?
-Spells- At the beginning of the battle, Jon's Contingency triggers, immediately casting the following spells.
Stoneskin - Protects the caster from 1 physical attack per 2 caster levels. Duration of 12 hours. Absolute Immunity - Confers complete invulnerability to weapons of less than +5 enchantment. Duration of 4 rounds. Spell Shield - Confers protection against the next Dispel-effect spell to target the caster. Only works once, as Spell Shield is consumed in the process. Duration of 60 rounds. Spell Trap - Creates a magic barrier around the caster that causes any spell to hit it to be absorbed by it, causing the caster to recall a previously cast spell. or example, a wizard shields himself with spell trap and is then hit by a Flame Arrow (3rd level spell). He gets three spell levels back -- he will regain one spell, up to 3rd level in power. The spell trap protects against 30 levels of spells. Spell Trap protects against any level of spell, from 1 to 9. Duration of 18 rounds. Protection from Energy - Confers upon the target 75% resistance to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Magical Fire, Magical Cold and magic (not 75% Magic Resistance, but 75% reduction to non-typed magic damage. Duration of 20 rounds. Fireshield (Red) - Grants 50% Fire/Magical Fire resistance, and deals 6.5 fire damage to opponents that hit the caster within a five foot radius. Duration of 23 rounds. Fireshield (Blue) - Grants 50% Cold/Magical Cold resistance, and deals 6.5 cold damage to opponents that hit the caster within a five foot radius. Duration of 23 rounds. Globe of Invulnerability - Protects against spells of 4th level or lower. Duration of 20 rounds. Mislead - When this spell is cast the wizard is affected with an Improved Invisibility spell and is teleported a few feet away from his original position. Meanwhile an exact image of the caster is created where he used to be with exactly the same hit points as the caster. The image cannot perform any actions at all such as attacking or casting spells. The invisibility can be dispelled by a True Sight spell, a dispel magic or the destruction of the decoy. Taking actions does not reveal the invisible caster. Duration of 20 rounds.
@Debaser I would count it for TOB many of these enemies besides Demogorgon are in places where having apropriate weapons is kind of hard. At least with Adamantinum Golems and +5 on Irenicus is at least a problem in the first fight.
I think the main reason why Usano's is overlooked is because there are some better ones for the off hand like the defender you "convinced" Dritzzt to "lend" or Balm because of the extra attack (ok its using an engine exploit).
@Darkcloud I see Usano as a mainhand weapon honestly. Not an offhand. I think it's slightly weaker with abilities, but damages a little better / hits more often than Celestial Fury...kind of cementing that there are good Scimitar/Ninja-to's at all stages of the game.
The only part about off-hand speed weapons that is an exploit is that it's applying the attack to the MH, when it should be adding it to the off-hand instead. It's pretty minor overall, except against the +4 and above enemies, there's certainly worse game breakers due to half-assed implementation (PI, Mislead, Simulacrum, R/C spellcasting, Berserkers in general, several others).
I was actually wondering about Usuno's blade the other day while levelling my fighter/druid dual.
I can't find a list of classes it cannot be used by, and can't I don't think I've got a BG2 save with it as I reformatted my HD last month. Could anyone confirm/deny if it's useable by Druids?
I was actually wondering about Usuno's blade the other day while levelling my fighter/druid dual.
I can't find a list of classes it cannot be used by, and can't I don't think I've got a BG2 save with it as I reformatted my HD last month. Could anyone confirm/deny if it's useable by Druids?
The real value comes from the option to pick it up early, though if you have Usuno's Blade, you have Foebane +3. I'd rather use the latter, but there's no reason you can't use both in the same party.
Foebane is great too, don't get me wrong, but I think this weapon is really better than people let on. (Or maybe not as obvious?) I just scrambled Kangaxx's brains solo with this and Belm on a Kensai / Mage with Grandmastery in scimmies, dualed at 13 to test it out and confirm. I didn't even have to cast improved haste.
The stun is GREAT but there's really no better Katana...whereas I can get Spectral Brand later...I guess what I'm saying is, everyone goes Katana because the Stun is fantastic, but in ToB it stops being as useful...Usano is good even until the end of the game...and there's a better weapon in the future with SB...And it hits more anyway even with normal creatures. =/ I just's better but it's not as glamorized.
CF is even kind of a pain to get...but it's pretty easy to find UB.
There's a generic +3 Katana you can buy in ToB but it's not special at all or worthy of being an offhand.
And Hindo's Doom starts out as a +3 and you have to upgrade it to just kind of sucks since it doesn't have better special abilities unlike Spectral Brand which gives you immunity to Level Drain.
Plus, you're right...even NOT stealing Drizzt's gear there's several +2 Scimmies...(Three counting the Black Pits) in BG1.
There's always good Scimitars, it's ALWAYS a good weapon class.
That's a lot of +4 weapons before ToB if you do it right. CF just kind of feels like Fluff to me. If it could be upgraded like FoA it would make Katana's rank but they sorta don't by comparison.
Spectral Brand in one hand and Usano's Blade in the other.
I realize the Flail of the Ages is better (and I love it to death) but my CHARNAMEs normally dual wield things with edges. Longswords, Katanas, Scimitars are the three I do the most.
I agree with you. It is just that 95% of my BG runs were when I was 15-17 and I was like stabity stabity slash slash good.
Viconia actually ended up main handing FoA and off handing Crom for the majority of my plays.
@ZanathKariashi - Well...Flails, Hammers and Staves are all really amazing. But Mace is kind of underrated-ish for this reason as Mace of Disruption does count as a +4 weapon when upgraded. (which you should always do really, even if you're a priest of Lathander doing your stronghold quest it's for the greater good to smite foes)
That being good as blunt is...would you really make everyone in your party use only blunt weapons?
In short, if they're a decent slot for melee, sure. Unfortunately, all ranged options, including the dwarven thrower hammer, deal Missile (piercing) in their ranged form.
In TOB its true but who besides Kangax needs +4 in BG2?
Irenicus for a start...he gets absolute immunity for four rounds. (You need at least +5 weapons to hurt him then!)
There are a few though...lemme take a look....
Jon Irenicus
"Once my thirst for power was everything. And now I hunger only for revenge. And... I... WILL... HAVE IT!!"
Level 30 Mage
Neutral Evil
STR - 13
DEX - 21
CON - 14
INT - 18
WIS - 18
CHA - 17
HP: 96
AC: -5
THAC0: 6
Number of Attacks: 1
Physical attack sequence: Fails. 2.5 damage. Speed Factor unknown.
-Saving Throws-
P/P/D: 8
R/S/W: 3
P/P: 5
BW: 7
S: 4
Fire: 0% (75%)
Acid: 0% (75%)
Cold: 0% (75%)
Electricity: 0% (75%)
Magic: 0%
Magical Fire: 0% (75%)
Magical Cold: 0% (75%)
Slashing: 0%
Crushing: 0%
Piercing: 0%
Missile: 0%
At the beginning of the battle, Jon's Contingency triggers, immediately casting the following spells.
Stoneskin - Protects the caster from 1 physical attack per 2 caster levels. Duration of 12 hours.
Absolute Immunity - Confers complete invulnerability to weapons of less than +5 enchantment. Duration of 4 rounds.
Spell Shield - Confers protection against the next Dispel-effect spell to target the caster. Only works once, as Spell Shield is consumed in the process. Duration of 60 rounds.
Spell Trap - Creates a magic barrier around the caster that causes any spell to hit it to be absorbed by it, causing the caster to recall a previously cast spell. or example, a wizard shields himself with spell trap and is then hit by a Flame Arrow (3rd level spell). He gets three spell levels back -- he will regain one spell, up to 3rd level in power. The spell trap protects against 30 levels of spells. Spell Trap protects against any level of spell, from 1 to 9. Duration of 18 rounds.
Protection from Energy - Confers upon the target 75% resistance to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Magical Fire, Magical Cold and magic (not 75% Magic Resistance, but 75% reduction to non-typed magic damage. Duration of 20 rounds.
Fireshield (Red) - Grants 50% Fire/Magical Fire resistance, and deals 6.5 fire damage to opponents that hit the caster within a five foot radius. Duration of 23 rounds.
Fireshield (Blue) - Grants 50% Cold/Magical Cold resistance, and deals 6.5 cold damage to opponents that hit the caster within a five foot radius. Duration of 23 rounds.
Globe of Invulnerability - Protects against spells of 4th level or lower. Duration of 20 rounds.
Mislead - When this spell is cast the wizard is affected with an Improved Invisibility spell and is teleported a few feet away from his original position. Meanwhile an exact image of the caster is created where he used to be with exactly the same hit points as the caster. The image cannot perform any actions at all such as attacking or casting spells. The invisibility can be dispelled by a True Sight spell, a dispel magic or the destruction of the decoy. Taking actions does not reveal the invisible caster. Duration of 20 rounds.
He also kind of sucks for level 30
Demogorgon and Adamantium Golems I believe need +4. You can fight them in SoA if you have ToB installed, dunno how you feel about ruling that.
I would count it for TOB many of these enemies besides Demogorgon are in places where having apropriate weapons is kind of hard. At least with Adamantinum Golems and +5 on Irenicus is at least a problem in the first fight.
I think the main reason why Usano's is overlooked is because there are some better ones for the off hand like the defender you "convinced" Dritzzt to "lend" or Balm because of the extra attack (ok its using an engine exploit).
I can't find a list of classes it cannot be used by, and can't I don't think I've got a BG2 save with it as I reformatted my HD last month. Could anyone confirm/deny if it's useable by Druids?