My money is on a november release but I can see it release in the fall aswell. I doubt it will release during summer. But really all we have to go on is guesswork. The reason I guess like I do is because BG:EE was supposed to come out during summer but was later announced for september (which is fall) and then it got delayed to november. I don't think they'll have enough time to do BG2:EE if it was to release during summer.
The reason I guess like I do is because BG:EE was supposed to come out during summer but was later announced for september (which is fall) and then it got delayed to november. I don't think they'll have enough time to do BG2:EE if it was to release during summer.
Technically their original release day of September 18 was during summer. I think I remember someone saying that the seasons can be defined differently depending where you live, but in Canada I think Sept 20 is considered the end of summer.
Sorry, just filling my internet pedantry quota for the day.
In fact, if one is interested in the 3rd Ed rules, one would be better served to go buy Temple of Elemental Evil. Best implementation of rules I have ever played.
@Scriver, but one of the most disappointing games every made too. Despite having superb, addictive gameplay and combat mechanics, the game itself is a bit of a mess. Even with the community patches, some quests don't finish properly and the end is all over the place.
I would like to know this too. I assume BG2EE wouldn't need as much work as BGEE and that it would be a matter of fixing some minor bugs and adding new content.
I fear my patience is running out already and I'm thinking of getting it from GOG.
Other than that, I'm tempted to go for IWD2 for now even though I don't know if I could cope with the 3rd Edition rules. Is there a lot of difference?
Definitely try out IWD2 if you haven't already. It's more linear and the story is nowhere near as good as the BG series, but the freedom of creating six characters under the 3rd edition rules allows for some fantastic combat.
Or, take a swing at Planescape:Torment if you haven't already. 2nd edition rules, amazing environment, and a fantastic storyline.
First day of snow? I've seen snow in every month in Alberta, last year I was hunting in july or august in the mountains and rode through 5 foot snow drifts some places it just barely melts and it starts again.
Personally, I'd love to get BG2:EE as soon as possible. Even just the original content with the BG2 engine enhancements they already have done. (Widescreen, zoom, new interface, etc...) Regardless of how many bugs it has and with no new characters or content.
I realize that for PR reasons that wouldn't really work because some people would be screaming about bugs and lack of new content and would rather have to wait 6+ months to get it. Where as I would rather get it now (or soon) and have fixes and content trickled in over 6 months.
Ugh, I didn't like Planescape one bit. I barely had the patience to get out of the starting building before uninstalling it.
The style is definitely not for everyone, and it often plays more like an interactive novel than a game. But it's too bad you didn't give it more of a shot, the game gets MUCH more interesting once you're about an hour into it.
Ugh, I didn't like Planescape one bit. I barely had the patience to get out of the starting building before uninstalling it.
The style is definitely not for everyone, and it often plays more like an interactive novel than a game. But it's too bad you didn't give it more of a shot, the game gets MUCH more interesting once you're about an hour into it.
Ugh, I hate how some people think not being all about combat somehow makes game less of a game. I guess IWD games were more gamey than BG then, and something like Battlefield 3 must be the gamiest game.
Anyway PS:T rocks and you should definitely try that too at some point OP.
I played Planescape at my friends house after he got me into BG2.
I was like WTF this is slow and boring, and my friend was like KEEEEEP PLAYING.
So I did, and I was like WTF this is slow and boring, and he was all KEEEEEEP PLAAAAYAIIING.
And I don't remember exactly what where or how but it was probably about an hour in and I got use to the style and started to get part of the story and was like ZOMG I live at your house now and you lost your computer for the week.
@Scriver, but one of the most disappointing games every made too. Despite having superb, addictive gameplay and combat mechanics, the game itself is a bit of a mess. Even with the community patches, some quests don't finish properly and the end is all over the place.
I don't know when you last played ToEE, but Co8 has made some strides in the game. The finished version still has some issues, but the vast majority of the issues at launch have all been resolved.
I played BG2 after Torment. I remember being really disappointed with it. I thought the plot was childish and the characters were all shallow. I later learned to love it on its own terms. BG2 is a great game. For a start I think it's a lot better to *play* than Torment, which is pretty clunky as far as things like combat go. It's a good thing you can avoid all the combat in it.
I want them to do an EE of Torment, and when they do I want them to change the recruitable NPC slots so you can have all of the 16 tons of 7 NPCs with you at once. I always found the 6-person limit when you only had 8 characters total really silly.
One thing that threatened to turn me off PS:T almost right away was the art style and direction. I had just finished playing BG1 when I tried PS:T and I remember almost immediately thinking, holy shit, how is this game newer than BG1, the graphics look like hell, way worse than BG (this was like 2004, so BG was already showing it's age pretty good). Everything seemed so big and garish, and the gnarly morgue you started in clashed with the pretty outdoor maps I was used to from BG1. Eventually I realized it wasn't really the graphics that were bothering me, but the unusual art direction. I got used to it, and now think that the style of the game is brilliant, but man, it was almost an affront to the eyes at first.
I'd put it more around the fall. Winter if things go awry like last time.
But really all we have to go on is guesswork. The reason I guess like I do is because BG:EE was supposed to come out during summer but was later announced for september (which is fall) and then it got delayed to november. I don't think they'll have enough time to do BG2:EE if it was to release during summer.
Sorry, just filling my internet pedantry quota for the day.
Other than that, I'm tempted to go for IWD2 for now even though I don't know if I could cope with the 3rd Edition rules. Is there a lot of difference?
I hope they do just as well or better with BG2:EE
Both of the Icewind Dale games are much more straight forward dungeon crawling games, though. Might or might not suit you.
Or, take a swing at Planescape:Torment if you haven't already. 2nd edition rules, amazing environment, and a fantastic storyline.
Not that, that happens often, but still.
Personally, I'd love to get BG2:EE as soon as possible. Even just the original content with the BG2 engine enhancements they already have done. (Widescreen, zoom, new interface, etc...) Regardless of how many bugs it has and with no new characters or content.
I realize that for PR reasons that wouldn't really work because some people would be screaming about bugs and lack of new content and would rather have to wait 6+ months to get it. Where as I would rather get it now (or soon) and have fixes and content trickled in over 6 months.
Anyway PS:T rocks and you should definitely try that too at some point OP.
I was like WTF this is slow and boring, and my friend was like KEEEEEP PLAYING.
So I did, and I was like WTF this is slow and boring, and he was all KEEEEEEP PLAAAAYAIIING.
And I don't remember exactly what where or how but it was probably about an hour in and I got use to the style and started to get part of the story and was like ZOMG I live at your house now and you lost your computer for the week.
I want a EE of Planescape.
I want them to do an EE of Torment, and when they do I want them to change the recruitable NPC slots so you can have all of the 16 tons of 7 NPCs with you at once. I always found the 6-person limit when you only had 8 characters total really silly.