What level will my recruited NPCs be? ( and who should I recruit ...)
So I've hit 5 cleric/4 wizard on my current no-reload game and I'm wondering if I should start recruiting yet.
I haven't touched anyone except Imoen.
Will I get level 4 NPCs due to wizard levels?
5 due to cleric?
6 due to combined XP?
Away from the factual stuff ... Any ideas on who would mesh well with my shorty caster?
I'm thinking:
Imoen thief/wizard specialising in traps (though maybe safana is a better bet XP wise?)
Coran (with OL)
That's all I got. Seems well covered but 2 slots is a bit much for covering NPC quests.
I haven't touched anyone except Imoen.
Will I get level 4 NPCs due to wizard levels?
5 due to cleric?
6 due to combined XP?
Away from the factual stuff ... Any ideas on who would mesh well with my shorty caster?
I'm thinking:
Imoen thief/wizard specialising in traps (though maybe safana is a better bet XP wise?)
Coran (with OL)
That's all I got. Seems well covered but 2 slots is a bit much for covering NPC quests.
With just myself (5 cleric/4 illusionist):
Level 6 Aj
Level 6 Imoen
With myself and Imoen (6 rogue)
Level 6 Xzar
Level x/x Montaron (whatever fit there as expected)
Level x fighter/5 Druid Jaheira
Level 6 Khalid
With myself and Imoen (6 rogue/1 wizard)
Level 4/4 Jaheira
Level 4 Khalid
Level 4 Aj
To get the level 6 .cre I had to kick Imoen *before I transitioned to the appropriate map* (kick before talk wasn't enough). Leaving the map, kicking, coming back worked fine though (so you can have her come help/get XP for Mulahey for instance before recruiting Xan).
I guess it averages active classes only or something?
Presumably works the same for Alora. Not sure if the implication is that as long as you don't recruit someone that their .cre doesn't activate though.
Kivan was 6 as I'd not been to high hedge before.
Maybe someone should post this in the bug forum and ask if it's a bug or a feature.
I went to each of them in turn in normal fashion moving about the map as a party would (as opposed to using console or other methods to get there) with my now level 6 party and recruited each of them and they were all at level 6 so no weirdness with my game with all patches current.
One thing I noted was Imoen did not trigger her "good-bye dialoge" when removed from the party (twice) altho Xan did when I removed him for dyna.