is dual classing bugged? (imoen for example)

i dual classed her into a fighter and first she lost her thieving skills until warrior was one level higher as usual but now it seems like she isnt able to level her thief part anymore... fighter is now lvl 4 and her thief is still lvl 2
am i missing something here?
it also doesnt show x experience needed for level up on the thief part
am i missing something here?
it also doesnt show x experience needed for level up on the thief part
well i played my main on my other playthrough as a fighter/thief and he always leveled thief and fighter simultaneously
so confusing -.-
well time to reroll then... again
Bus somewhat late in the game
I am currently playing a half-orc F/T...his face is even uglier than Coran, but he is good....want to borrow him?
coran reminds me of a famous german actor that i hate haha
Humans dualclass. It means they leave one class for another, and only advance in the second class. This can only be done at second level or later. You can only dualclass a character once, and only from or to certain classes. You also need 15 in the main attribute of the first class and a 17 in the main stat of the class you are dualing to.
All other races multiclass. This means they advance in all classes simultaneously. Multiclassed characters also don't get to chose any kits or mage speciality (except gnomes, who can be illusionists) unless you use third hand programs to edit the files. Multiclassed characters have to be chosen at character generation.
That's pretty much the basics of it. It's a racial segregation, basically. Something humans have over the other races. I think DSimpson explains it pretty thouroughly in the last part of this guide.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that your thief abilities aren't working because you're wearing something heavier than studded leather armor.
In short, if you changed Imoen to Fighter with her having less than a 17 STR, there is a Bug in the program. If you raised her STR to 17 and then switched, then it is working as intended.