Good, Neutral or Evil, What are you?
I am curious how the majority of players are aligned in game, I have always played chaotic good myself, so I usually tend to play rangers, fighters, and the odd thief kit but never a pure thief.
*Edited due to confusion
* I dont play mages very well sorry.
*Edited due to confusion

- Good, Neutral or Evil, What are you?153 votes
- Good51.63%
- Neutral29.41%
- Evil18.95%
Post edited by hammernanvil on
I always imagine my bard's voice carrying on the wind over the hills, causing villagers to stare at one another in alarm and then flee for their lives.
For Neutral I like Lawful/Chaotic Neutral; blindly law-abiding, promise-keeping helpful person or truly individualistic adventurer with no particular agenda.
Lawful/Neutral Evil if I make an evil character, usually the latter. Methodical clever evildoer working the system or just someone who's self-serving and don't care particularily much about anyone or anything. Chaotic Evil just seems a bit too counter-productive for everyone involved so I never go that route.
I think of myself as being neutral not because I have a desire to maintain balance, but because I tend to be apathetic. That being said, my actions (when I actually act on something), as well as the characters I play, tend to be good, probably because I'm a big softy.
I share your confusion. The first sentences imply real-life alignment, the next seems to meant in-game. I'd like to think I'm mostly chaotic good in real-life. But I think it's more complicated than that in reality. What's my alignment then if as much as possible I follow the rules (almost all the time, if not all the time)? Does that make me lawful? But there are times that I go against it because it's the right thing to do...that makes me chaotic, right? I'm at extremes in chaotic and in lawful, what does that make me? I don't think it's a black and white in real-life alignment.
In game, I also almost always play chaotic good. I don't remember the alignment I picked when I tried an assassin, but I'm certain it isn't evil.
I sometimes skip classes in my early years if you're talking about me.;p
I took blacksmithing, figured it would be a better lifeskill
That looks awesome indeed. Man, sure sucks being a pussy to not try evil alignment.:D
but I mix it up a little
only play neutraL when I play as a druid
it comesout about to
60 percent as a good character
30 percent as a evil character
10 percent as a neutral character
(Next run I will play good again, can't stand my own cruelness any longer
Now; in above example how does the evil halfling leaving make any sense? Leaving wouldn't be acting evil, it would be acting chaotic stupid.