I wonder if anyone would ever want to try a mult-player hardcore BGEE challenge.

I'm curious how that'd work. I've never done mult-player, and I wonder if you'd have to travel as a group or if you could split up. Maybe doing the Black Pitts would be fun. But when you die...you die. No reloads.
But! I'd be really down to do this sometime if anyone wanted to try it.
What stipulations condone a "Hardcore Challenge" in your books? :P
I'd suggest:
Core rules
No reloads
Party leader *leads*, everyone else follows his lead
No pausing
No passing items to be ID'd
No spoilers (ie, no discussing upcoming battles unless it can be RP'd: "oh look, a statue, that's weird!")
Have multiple characters prepared so when the party wipes someone else can have a go at being leader
Did I miss anything?