NPC Continuation to BG2:EE?

I'm pretty sure this must have been addressed elsewhere but I couldn't find it in the forums (or maybe I'm just too lazy) so if someone could answer, that'd be great!
I know that the PC will be able to get exported from BG:EE to BG2:EE (along with a few select items), however what about the other NPCs you played with? So for example, if I gave a couple of tomes to Dorn and decided to specialize him in clubs (lol), will this be reflected in the BG2:EE version of DORN? I know you can do this manually with SK but it'd be nice for story's sake if they'd retain their BG1 stats/experience etc. (items would be nice too but that's asking too much I know!)
I know that the PC will be able to get exported from BG:EE to BG2:EE (along with a few select items), however what about the other NPCs you played with? So for example, if I gave a couple of tomes to Dorn and decided to specialize him in clubs (lol), will this be reflected in the BG2:EE version of DORN? I know you can do this manually with SK but it'd be nice for story's sake if they'd retain their BG1 stats/experience etc. (items would be nice too but that's asking too much I know!)
So I would say take Aerie, but let her down early and avoid the romance.
To the OP: I've wondered about tome stats myself; there's no indication that characters like Dorn, Viconia and Edwin will carry over any improved stats between BGEE and BG2EE. Best to concentrate all the tomes on yourself, then...
Or just CLUA the tomes in to set their stats back to what they were. I did that with Coran's NPC mod for BG2 because I gave the DEX tome to him.
Or the normally shy Aerie might get angry, break one of Neera's legs, start to feel guilty and apologize... then offer to break the other one as well to make it even.
...Maybe Imoen is best, after all.