Does the Luck spell improve the chance to successfully scribe a scroll?

I was wondering if the Luck spell improve the chance to successfully scribe a scroll, if so, I can definitely see myself using this! If you had 19 Int and 95% chance of scribing, would this give 100% chance? I think there may be a 1% "critical failure" chance, though...
I routinely used Luck to help with difficult pick pockets/store thefts, but was wondering if it also affects scroll scribing
I routinely used Luck to help with difficult pick pockets/store thefts, but was wondering if it also affects scroll scribing
I do not know about OP's question. And there are plenty other effects which I am unsure of with that spell, such as, does a to-hit-roll of 19, increased by Luck to 20, is being considered as a critical hit?... the manual description is extremely vague.
Here's an interesting page to look at:
(this was regarding vanilla, I think luck's effects were tweaked for EE)
From coding perspective, any non-combat luck bonuses (such as bonuses to pick pocket) are dealt separately from main 'luck' effect. The 'luck' effect is fairly limited that even AC and saving throw bonuses use separate effects. Thus one of the previous posts' observation is likely correct; that 'luck' effect itself affect to-hit and damage rolls. However, luck effect causing reduced spell damage; an interesting idea, unsure about this.
As far as luck increasing threat range; doesn't look like it. Because if it's true then critical failure shouldnt happen, but it does. In BGEE, I experimented with modified Luck spell, giving it 24-hour duration. Hasn't noticed increase in crits and NPCs definitely seem to crit miss like they used to. Luck spell seems to merely add +2 to-hit and damage bonuses.
Thanks for any help in advance.
I'm not sure whether it affects chances to learn a spell, though, this is difficult to test - I guess I could test on a character with 19 Int (95% chance) and see if him/her ever fails to scribe a scroll.
EDIT: I just cast Luck on a Bard with 19 Int and failed to scribe 4 scrolls (out of 7!), so can confirm it does *not* seem to improve the chances to scribe a scroll. Still could be useful for Thieving.
Does anyone know if it improves the chance of a critical hit to 19-20 (or even 18-20 with Single weapon style)?
BTW I usually save the Red Potion you can get in Nashkel Carnival (which gives 25 Int / 150% spell learn!) for scribin the top notch stuff like Stoneskin and Greater Malison