Multiclass con bonuses
I heard mention that bonus HP from high con are not divided for a multiclass character?
In the case of a F/M does it work such that you only get the con bonus for 17+ con on fighter levels or will a F/M with 17+ con have identical bonus HP as a pure fighter?
For 18 con I thought:
But if con is separate:
Which is correct?
In the case of a F/M does it work such that you only get the con bonus for 17+ con on fighter levels or will a F/M with 17+ con have identical bonus HP as a pure fighter?
For 18 con I thought:
But if con is separate:
Which is correct?
be aware, though, that the game likes to screw up multiclass hp calculations, particularly in the case of FMTs.
Bioware didn't had the choice in this matter when they designed the game. When they bought the game licence to TSR (former D&D publisher), they had to take the game rules as they were.
But one must admit that AD&D rules are a bit... complicated. Hit point calculation is, in this way, like ThAC0 and saves : complicated and not intuitive.
It is an old RPG game system, and for exemple more recent versions of the P&P game (like D&D 3rd edition, which powers the Neverwinter Nights Atari game series) are far more logical and intuitive.
example, cos I've tested this for a long time (when BG2 messed up my extra hp from familiar), trying to find out what's wrong: a fighter/mage/thief with 5,2 M xp (levels 14/14/17) has
- 109 hp if she start with 17 con then uses the con book
- 118 hp if she start with 18 con
...and the correct amount would be 114 (+1/3) hp.
So it should be :
F/M/T 9/9/9 with 17 con : 9 x 9 = 81 HP
Lvl 10 fighter : 1 HP
Lvl 10 mage : 4/3 + 1 Con = 2 HP
Lvl 10 thief : 2 HP +1 Con = 3 HP
Lvl 11 to 14 (fighter and mage and thief) : 4 x 3 = 12 HP
Lvl 15 to 17 thief : 3 HP
Con 17 to 18 : 9 HP for levels 1 to 9 *
Total HP expected : 111
* yeah, I do not count the 18 Con for 10th level. I'm not absolutely sure, but it seems to me that when a multiclassed character has a warrior class (that is, which gets Con bonus for Con above 16), this Con bonus applies only for the levels where the warrior class get a hit dice. As fighters get only 9 HD, the 18 Con bonus doesn't count for 10th level mage and thief. So for 10th lvl, the systems works as if the character had 16 Con...
Well... Aspirin, sweet aspirin... Would you like to be my friend ? ^^
For the problem of constitution that bothers you, I cannot answer it at the moment. It would require to make tests and removing BG:EE XP cap and the like...
What I meant about round off is this. When the HP you gain from levelling up in one of your classes is calculated, that value is always rounded down. For example, for a F/M/T, when levelling up as a fighter, you gain (10/3)=3.33, rounded down to 3 HP. And that round off isn't 'stored' in any way, meaning that even once you gain 3 fighter levels, the remainders don't add up to give you an extra HP. That's what I meant by losing HP due to roundoff.
This isn't the case with bonus HP from CON though. Take a FMC with 18 CON. When he levels up in his first class he'll get 1 bonus HP (4/3, rounded down). Same thing goes when he levels up in his second class. But when he levels up in his last class (thus completing one 'full' level up), he simply gets the remainder, in this case 2 bonus HP. So you don't lose any due to rounding.
Also, when calculating HP, you can't group everything together before you divide by the number of classes. For instance, for a FMC, you can't go: HP=(10+8+4)/3=7.33=~ 7. You have to go: (10/3)=~3, 4/3=~1, 8/3=~2, HP=3+2+1=6. This is true even when levelling up with multiple classes at once. The exception is at character creation, where it's calculated together, meaning an FMC will start with 7 HP.
You also have to keep bonus HP from CON seperate. For instance, for a FMC with 15 CON, when levelling up as a cleric, you don't do: (8+1)/3=3. It's: 8/3=~2, 1/3=~0 (you'd have to wait till you level up in your third class to actually get any bonus HP).