A thread for ironic, funny and ridiculous screenshots
This is a thread for ironic and/or funny and ridiculous screenshots. Spoiler tags are a good idea if you are posting lots of them. I apologize if there is already a thread like this 
Safana thinks her leadership needs overhauling. I think this interaction could use some overhauling by Overhaul.
Baeloth see's Dorothy's Silence and raises her a Power Word Silence. Dorothy is flabbergasted. One does not simply silence baeloth
Ajantis has had enough and decides to revolt
Turns out he's just trying to gain respect with his empty threats. He has every right to be angry though because I took him hostage with my evil party and threatened to kill him if he didn't act as a meat shielding guinea pig in every encounter
Shopkeepers around the sword coast have boycotted my party. Incredible they can charge this rate with a straight face
Wish I took more interesting screenies - I'm sure I would of had some higher quality ones if I had more auto pause options on

Safana thinks her leadership needs overhauling. I think this interaction could use some overhauling by Overhaul.
Baeloth see's Dorothy's Silence and raises her a Power Word Silence. Dorothy is flabbergasted. One does not simply silence baeloth
Ajantis has had enough and decides to revolt
Turns out he's just trying to gain respect with his empty threats. He has every right to be angry though because I took him hostage with my evil party and threatened to kill him if he didn't act as a meat shielding guinea pig in every encounter
Shopkeepers around the sword coast have boycotted my party. Incredible they can charge this rate with a straight face
Wish I took more interesting screenies - I'm sure I would of had some higher quality ones if I had more auto pause options on