I cannot use the save game or character editor so I have a request.

I cannot use Shadowkeeper or Gatekeeper because I have BG:EE and I bought it off of steam. I can't use Shadowkeeper because I do not own BG2. However that aside I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make a character for me, with all 18 stats, and multiclassing as a Kensai/Sorcerer. The same thing for an Archer/Sorcerer would be wonderful
There is a description on how to do it on this forum.
Here it is
You don't need to own BG2. Just copy a folder or two around that will also be present in the Steam version.
But yes, you definitely do not need BG2 installed to make it work.
What OP wants is impossible because you cannot multi/dual Sorcerors with anything.
That said, if you want a character with all 18 stats all you need to do is enable cheats and press SHIFT+8 when you're rolling their stats.
How do you do it?
Perhaps I got confused with adding kits to multiclasses. My mistake.
And BTW, BG:EE is BG2 (ToB) code wise.
Here are the resources you seek:
Getting Shadowkeeper to Work With BG:EE
How to Manually Customize Your Game (i.e., Enable and Use the CLUA Console in BG:EE)
With the CLUA Console enabled Ctrl + 8 during character creation produces 18s for all abilities. You can modify those 18s as you like in SK when you're in there changing the classes/kits.