Durlag's Tower

I don't really have a question, just wanted to say that Durlag's Tower is by far the best dungeon in the game, as well as the best dungeon I have played through in years! It was an absolute blast. I hope BG2 (which I intend to start after I finish BG:EE) will have more of those!
Btw: I noticed that some people have done Durlag's Tower quite early on in their playthrough. I am almost done with the main quest, just completed the Candlekeep stuff. Because the events in Candlekeep caught me by surprise, I only just now traveled to Ulgoth's Beard and started doing these quests, including Durlag's Tower. This led me to wonder: do enemies level with you to a certain extent? I had some tough battles in the tower, and was just wondering how lower level parties could survive some of the tougher stuff there?
Btw: I noticed that some people have done Durlag's Tower quite early on in their playthrough. I am almost done with the main quest, just completed the Candlekeep stuff. Because the events in Candlekeep caught me by surprise, I only just now traveled to Ulgoth's Beard and started doing these quests, including Durlag's Tower. This led me to wonder: do enemies level with you to a certain extent? I had some tough battles in the tower, and was just wondering how lower level parties could survive some of the tougher stuff there?
I actually managed to clean out Durlag's Tower before going to Baldur's Gate for the first time, but I don't recommend that path - the chess room alone must've taken me a dozen tries. It comes down to tactics and having the right party members, really...
Additionally, as per the original bag of holding, the gem bag has limited spaces and cannot hold more than a certain number of items.
Watchers Keep may be exotic, but it lacks the strong central theme (or any theme at all) of Durlag's tower. It's just a combination of mini-dungeons. Durlag's Tower has you slowly descend into the madness of a single dwarf, which is oodles more entertaining.
@Drugar: I totally agree. Plus, it's a huge dungeon. Wish there were more of those (though I quite liked the fact that the Naskhel mines are quite large as well, other dungeons often felt a bit small, though still big in comparison to more modern games).
Watchers Keep is the expansion pack, huge dungeon for BG2. As @Drugar points out it does lack the strong central theme of Durlag's tower though. It has some of what are thought to be the toughest fights in the game and a ton of weapons and items.
How do people cope with the amount of loot btw? I often find I have to leave lesser valuable items behind, which sometimes is a bit frustrating for I'm kind of a godldigger!
Some street urchins prospered well that day.
The only problem I have with it being a big dungeon is that it is really awesome the first time, but just gets a bit tedious the next time. A lot of the appeal of dungeons is that there are puzzles as well as cool fights. After the first time around it seems that every level is just spending 20 minutes collecting a bunch of annoying items. There weren't THAT many fights in Durlag's Tower. A large amount of it is exploring and exploring sort of sucks once you've seen it once.
Not that it and Watcher's Keep are bad, they're just tiring to complete knowing that the only reason you are going is for experience and neat items, rather than being a cool new place to explore.