Help with Kensai/Druid

Hello All!
I am thinking of running with a Kensai, dualled to Druid, for RP reasons (I know Berserker/Druid is technically better). The issue in doing this is that I need at least 15 STR, 17 WIS and CHA, but obviously for the Kensai part I would very much like to still have decent DEX and CON. I also don't want to gimp INT, because I don't want to think my character is stupid.
Anyway, I managed to roll a 92, and have them currently allocated like this:
STR 15
DEX 18
CON 16
INT 9 (figure I'd up it to 10 with the tome, for an average stat).
WIS 18
CHA 16 (will up to 17 w/ tome).
Do these stats look any good to you? Would anyone have a suggestion on how to utilise the roll better.
I am thinking of running with a Kensai, dualled to Druid, for RP reasons (I know Berserker/Druid is technically better). The issue in doing this is that I need at least 15 STR, 17 WIS and CHA, but obviously for the Kensai part I would very much like to still have decent DEX and CON. I also don't want to gimp INT, because I don't want to think my character is stupid.
Anyway, I managed to roll a 92, and have them currently allocated like this:
STR 15
DEX 18
CON 16
INT 9 (figure I'd up it to 10 with the tome, for an average stat).
WIS 18
CHA 16 (will up to 17 w/ tome).
Do these stats look any good to you? Would anyone have a suggestion on how to utilise the roll better.
Maybe drop charisma a bit to do this
It's possible to ditch some Wisdom in favor of more CON, but you'd miss out on some bonus druid spells at higher levels. Maybe lose a point of Dexterity?
These builds are notoriously difficult to pull off, and I think with the strong roll of 92 you can barely allocate them any better than what you already have.
So, by the end of BG1 I should have:
STR 16
DEX 18
CON 17
INT 11
WIS 21
Cha 17.
Also, perhaps more importantly, why is beserker better for a druid? Armor?
Mostly the armor, though the berserker rage is also nice.
And at the levels he will be dualing at he won't receive many Kensai benefits.
Kensai gets -2AC and no armor. Berserker gets an armor with AC of 1 so it is a 7 AC advantage to the Berserker, and the Berserker gets rage. If you dual at 6 the Kensai only gets +1 to hit and +1 to damage at level 4 (right?) and that is more than made up for by the gauntlets of weapon expertise the Berserker/Druid can wear.
Really the reason to do Kensai/Druid is for flavor rather than power (and it's the reason I made one).
Dual doesn't explain it very well, but in addition to matching the prime reqs for a class, you still need to meet any other minimum stat requirements a class has. For the Basic archetypes, fighter, thief, mage, cleric, they only have one required stat, but druids or specialist mages have 2ndry minimum requirements.
Only the new classes prime req requires 17.
Keep in mind that if you're exporting to BG2, that you're forced to sacrifice 1 dex for the hell trials in order to keep your alignment (unless you cheese it =P ). That penalty could be nullified by the machine in the Watcher's Keep though. On the other hand, 11 int is the optimal stat for the illithid sections.
Sidenote: rolling for dualclassing fighters is such a PITA... =(
So I started. Picked up Xzar and Monty and Khalid and Jaheira and set off for Nashkel. First map after FAI they start killing each other!! Bit soon, I think. =/
Ended up being Charname, Imoen and Neera making a mad dash to Nashkel to unstone Branwen.
True neutral kensai- only thing that matters is their ability with a sword not going to pick up gold or gems themself improvement their sole purpose in life. Becomes infected with lycanthropy and decides to master this new ability when they become aware of it.
Will requires a fair bit of tweaking with shadowkeeper as I can't just change the kit so I will have to remove the regular druid shapes and gradually add the werewolf.
So I've come to the conclusion that Berserker is better than Kensai for dualing to a druid. The +2 to hit and damage you'll get from dualing from a kensai at level 6 can be offset by a berserker wearing gauntlets of weapon specialization and balduran's helm. The kensai's +2 armour bonus can partially be offset by the +1AC from baldurans helm, can be offset and then some if you equip a shield (you keep your shield bonus in shapeshifted form), as well as the armour modifiers mentioned above. So the only thing they're missing is Kai, which I think Berserk more than makes up for.
Also, on a side note, if you have a weapon in your off hand, you get an extra attack per round even while shapeshifted.
STR 18 (Bump to 19 with tome)
DEX 9 (Bump to 18 with DEX Gaunts)
CON 18 (Give yourself the Klaw of Kazaroth after you dual to Druid and still reap HP bonuses)
INT 11 (For mind flayers in BG2)
WIS 18 (And give yourself the tomes to get to 21)
CHA 18 (Might as well go to 18 Charisma with a tome)
You can keep your Strength, Constitution, and Intelligence tomes free for your party this way.
For weapons I'd maybe go:
++Two-Handed Weapon Style
And try to grandmaster Staves with the dualing exploit if you you're not going to wait until BG2 to dual class.
However, I don't believe you can dual class with a Str of 10. Must be at least 15. The stat requirments for this combo are horrible. Might consider making Dex a dump stat and wearing the gloves.
SHOOT! you are swap STR and DEX then.