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Adding new NPC's does not solve my problem!

My problem is, and always has been, too much choice. Or perhaps not enough willpower. Either way, by the time I actually enter Baldur's Gate, I'm always thinking about the next play through. What my charname is going to be, what party members, quest order etc... I often wind up abandoning the current play through somewhere in Baldur's Gate, and starting the new one.

The City of Baldur's Gate, is for me, a city of lost souls. Filled with abandoned charnames, who wander aimlessly around the city looking for some sort of closure. I'm always reluctant to enter the city lest I run into one of them. Eventually, I enter the city, and more often than not, add one more lost soul to the group.

All kidding aside, thank you Overhaul Team! I hope you can keep adding to my problem.


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