No longer get +1 reputation for not killing Noober?

Just ran into Noober and went through the long process of sitting there listening to him talk, and at the end i got the 400 XP but no Reputation point like you did back in the original baldurs gate, anyone know why they removed this in the enhanced edition?
Edit: Just checked, you definately don't get a reputation increase in vanilla.
I personally think you should get a reputation increase FOR killing him.
It's for the good of the land.
I've been increasingly playing mixed alignment parties such that the evil NPCs occasionally (not always and at every opportunity, but sometimes) do something true to their evil nature. For exmaple, Dorn will knock out anyone who mouths off to him on the street (eg, "Yer a long tongued lout aintcha' and "Get outta my way ya crummy longhead"). Dorn also kills Marl. Neera practices casting spells in public and sometimes... there's a problem. Etc.