My all thief party

Currently I have 2 other games started, but I had an idea I wanted to try and so I started a new one. I want to do an all thief party. The requirement to be in my part is the character has to either be a thief, thief multi-class or dual class (I plan to dual Imoen into a mage and Shar-teel into thief). The part I haven't decided is how I want to handle the death of CHARNAME in case it happens (probably will). I am considering 2 options and decided to put it up to a vote, whichever has the higher vote when CHARNAME's death happens, I will pursue. The first option is simply to reload only if CHARNAME dies, no reloading for any other reason (except maybe a bug that makes the game unplayable). Second option would be a sort of no reload, after CHARNAME death, I export the character from the last save and then import the character back into the game, to give somewhat of a feel of no reload (i.e. if I die, start all over) but give me an increasing advantage every time I suck (since I do want to finish with this party). What do you all think?
I'm playing a neutral evil, half-elf fighter/thief with 18/91, 18, 18, 9, 4, 18 (I won't lie, I rolled for a few min for that). I will post more character info later as I plan to chronicle the adventure in this thread.
Edit: The first portion of CHARNAME's story starts here -
I'm playing a neutral evil, half-elf fighter/thief with 18/91, 18, 18, 9, 4, 18 (I won't lie, I rolled for a few min for that). I will post more character info later as I plan to chronicle the adventure in this thread.
Edit: The first portion of CHARNAME's story starts here -
- My all thief party59 votes
- Minimal reload - only reload upon CHARNAME death44.07%
- No reload* - export CHARNAME from last save and import into new game10.17%
- Other - I will explain below (or I don't care, I just want to see the results)  8.47%
- But how will you get Boo in your party without recruiting Minsc?37.29%
Post edited by SirK8 on
I would use
01. PC - Like the half-orc would use Staves ++ and two handed weapon style from the start.
02. Immy (And figure out how to do Durlags you can give her the Helm of Alignment change to make her evil later so she won't leave the group, dual to mage at level 6) give her +single weapon style as a thief and +daggers as a mage level 1 until she swaps back and can use short swords again.
03. Shar-Teel (Dual to Thief at level 6 or 7, maybe 7 to make her more of tank, use longswords or daggers)
04. Safana, not sure what weapons to give her but shortbow for sure.
05. Tiax so you have a cleric who rules all. Also he can use mace for the stupifier.
06. ROTATING - (Eventually Skie)
Maybe use Garrick for the first few chapters to pickpocket for you so you don't have to waste points in it on other characters who will need hide in shadows, move silently, fight traps and pick locks...
Then rotate people as needed in Garrick's spot. I would take Rasaad when you get to Baldurs gate so you can get the Two-Fisted belt for Tiax or Safana. Then abandon him! =P
Help Eldoth with Skie AFTER that....get them both and have Eldoth meet an untimely accident....
Then with Skie you'll have an evil thief party who won't complain when start a new crime syndicate in BG.
I'd say Corvan is a good pick but he's good...and I've never used Alora she is also of good alignment. I think you'll need the helm to change at least one person and Immy is superior since she can be your mage too.
@Debaser - Thanks for the tips! I'm going with dual wield mostly because that's how I envision the character and part of the reason I thought of this whole adventure :P As for Garrick, he doesn't meet my criteria, I was tempted to bend that a bit, but I decided not to, I plan to boost Imoen's pickpocket before dualing to a mage, she won't be a party backstabber and can eventually use invisibility for hiding if needed. I may use Eldoth to pick up Skie, mostly because I've NEVER used her as an NPC, though if I do, it won't be before I can access Baldur's Gate, so as to minimize his time in my party. I was also tempted on Rasaad, but again I won't bend, unless it's possible for me to recruit him and then immediately open his area then drop him and still get the belt (I've not done Rasaad's quest line yet, I have him in my party for my normal game). As for alignment, how low can I go before Imoen will leave? I think she'll stick around pretty much through anything right? My character is evil and makes evil decisions, but is also very charismatic (18) and uses that to her advantage, so I don't anticipate Flaming Fist levels of reputation. I've also never played with Tiax, Safana or Coran, so I plan on having them around too
I Forgot about Monty!!!!
Forget Skie...use Monty! WAY BETTER.
That's perfect!!!!
As for your questions...
Immy will leave if you go to low (between 6-4 Rep I think...maybe lower but she does leave eventually, so plan to really do damaging things to your rep over time and plan to clear Durlags tower early, as soon as you can go for it for that helm. You might have to do a few good deeds or donate to a church for appearances sake until then.
I think you can dual class Safana to Mage too...but yeah if Immy is going for Pickpocket...max her points out like this 100 Pickpocket, 100 Move Silently (I think she has 15 to start in that) Dual her at 6 to mage so she can get to 9 for level 5 spells as a mage and use improved invisibility later on to wreck house and backstab anyway.
If Safana can dual to mage do the same thing with her. 100 Move Silently...and 100 in something else.
Give the PC 100 in Find Traps and Monty 100 in Pick locks...everything else should be hide in shadows and move silently for everyone so they can backstab. There's a few good short swords to go around, but Staves for Staff of Striking and +3 Staff should go to someone...if you dual wield you should take Scimitars for Drizzt's gear and longsword maybe for Viscona +2 +1 Electrical damage,
You would need to take Rasaad for a few weeks game time for his quest. But it might be worth it to park imoen for the Two-Fisted Belt and give it to Monty, then he'd have 19 Strength as a fighter. Imoen will at least rejoin you with no problems. Again you'd have to keep your rep up or donate some money to get it up prior to having him join you for that purpose...but I'm sure a few murders later would get you back down in bad rep. It'd be a job in RP terms. =P Plus the belt would make Monty stronger...but too dumb to ever plot to kill you!
After purchasing what she felt she needed, Hope decided to have a look around the inn. Surely if Gorion thought the trip was important then Winthrop and his guests would be willing to part with their valuables. Best to keep it on the down low though in case they make some unwanted noise. After procuring everything that wasn't locked down (well and most things that were as well), Hope went to talk to Firebead. The lusty old elf was well known for his "appetites" and she had caught him staring at her many times in the preceding days, time to use that to her advantage. Hope can be a charmer when she wants, and she engaged Firebead in playful conversation, hinting at things that could come to be if only she had some funds for a set of new clothes, and some nice jewelry. The old elf eventually relented and gave her 300 gold, and a charge to fetch his identity scroll from some other old man. The last part he said with a wink that made Hope shudder. At least she would be out of here by nightfall.
(I plan to write more, but it may not be until after the weekend, sorry I'm not much of a writer, but I do want to capture my character's adventure)
Edit: The story continues here:
You can dual Safana to mage!!! So...treat her like Imoen...dual at 6...maybe 100 Move Silently and 100 Detect Illusion? Give her Shortbow and + in two handed style...and + Staves when she duals so she can crit more after backstabbing with invisibility spells and still use short bows for ranged.
Maybe Tiax should max out Set traps hahahaha...I could see him saying stuff like Tiax rules after laying down some killer bear traps.
Seriously, play the game that way you like to play. Start the No Reload challenge.
I'd seriously give each character one ability that's not Move Silently so they all specialize in something (Find Traps, Set Traps, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Detect Illusion)...then I'd get the ones that can get more than two skills to 100 points Hide in Shadows.
Mages wth Improved Invisibility will benefit from Move Silently (Or should, maybe you should double check that, but I'm pretty dang sure they do because normally I get followed around when I use that spell...and I think that's from making sound)
The rest can hide in shadows...this way everyone can back stab and everyone has a special skill.
I think it's best to SK the beginning thief abilities to get things going in a good direction.
If the PC takes Picks locks you can get that Diamond in the first Inn but money won't be a problem either way.
It's a cool premise, I think that's why I wrote so much. I like the idea!
Also where'd you get that portrait? I love it!
I love fighter thief combos, I feel like they have everything rangers try to be wrapped in one class that's ultimately more flexible.
There's decent +2 Studded Leather that drops in an encounter west of the mines too.
Hope stepped out of the inn and squinted in the light of the rising sun, well at least it was properly morning now. She decided to head to the clinic to see if there were any supplies she could use for this yet unexplained journey. On her way there she was approached by Tethtoril who pressed a scroll into her hand and asked her to return it to Firebead (yeah... right...) and mentioned that Gorion was looking for her. Well Gorion would have to wait a bit, if he wasn't going to give any information about this trip, he could wait while she was preparing for ... well anything.
As Hope headed for the exit of the library grounds, she heard a familiar voice. "Heyya, it's me Imoen." Hope rolled her eyes, her and Imoen were good friends, but the girl could be annoying at times, and today she was in no mood to deal with her. "Get lost" Hope said, "I don't have time for any childish games today." Imoen frowned, but seemed to take it well, mentioning their friendship and that she'd always be there for Hope. You see that was the problem with Imoen, she had many redeeming qualities, like she could pick a lock as well as Hope and could pick pockets even better, but the girl was just too nice. She let people abuse and take advantage of her, hell if it wasn't for Hope giving out a few black eyes and making not so veiled threats to some of the Watcher's, Imoen would have been through a lot worse than she had. Yeah, Hope liked her overall, but she wasn't above using Imoen for her own purposes.
On her way to the clinic, Hope was hailed by Hull, one of the Watcher's. Though he'd never mentioned it, Hope was certain he had a thing for her. He wasn't too bad looking himself, but now was not the time for such thoughts. The lazy bastard had left his sword in the barracks and wanted Hope to fetch it for him. He also mentioned that some guy had been asking around the keep about her, was asking all sorts of questions and acting pretty suspicious. Hull started to drone on about some sick cow too, but Hope had stopped listening, the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up and her gut was twisting with a familiar sense of danger. She didn't know why she felt that way, but she'd learned to trust that feeling. Hope interrupted Hull and asked where the man was, Hull mentioned that he'd been staying in the bunkhouse.
Hope continued her walk to the clinic and went inside. The place stank of sick people and fresh blood, wrinkling her nose she started to rifle through some of the chests in one of the rooms. In the chest she found a potion of healing, she started to pick it up when she was interrupted by a monk. Quickly stuffing it in her pack she politely responded to the monk's greeting and flashed her best smile. She graciously accepted his offer of a healing potion and then quickly exited the clinic before he noticed she'd already acquired another one.
"Our rules are very strict!", oh boy she'd been caught, maybe one of those snooty nobles at the inn had seen her in the guest rooms. She, prepared herself to talk her way out of whatever it was. All that worry for nothing, it turned out the Gate Warden had heard about their journey and wanted to give her tips on fighting down in the storage cellar, or at least that what he said, Hope didn't trust that excuse for a second. She tried to decline but he was very insistent, finally she relented but said she'd be delayed as she had an errand to run, that seemed to satisfy him and she hurried toward the bunkhouse with no intention of taking him up on his offer.
As she approached the bunk house she peeked through the window and caught a glimpse of a man inside. He seem to be preoccupied, so she stealthily made her way in. The man was quite absorbed in reading a letter, so much so that he didn't hear her softly close the door and walk up behind him. Quickly she wrapped one arm around his neck, choking off his air before he could yell. He struggled against her, but she was too strong for him, all those years of training with the Watcher's was paying off. She would have liked to question him, what he was doing, why he was asking about her, but she didn't have the time, she knew this man was trouble for her and that was enough for her to act. She tightened her hold on him, crushing his windpipe as he kicked and flailed against her arms. A dagger or her sword would have made things quicker, but she didn't want to deal with the mess, and besides there was something about killing the man in this way that made her feel powerful. As the man's life drained out of him with each denied breath, it was as though she could feel her blood pulsing through her veins, quickened by her actions. Finally the man lay limp and dead on the ground. Hope had never killed a sentient creature before and she felt as though she should be experiencing some sort of remorse. And yet, she felt no remorse, she felt no sorrow or guilt, only power and life. How poetic it was that the death of another should make her feel alive.
* Dialogue and events may not match up with exactly what was said or happened, but rather to how I interpreted the events and dialogue that took place
+ sorry for any typos etc. wanted to get this out today, so I haven't proofread much.
Edit: fixed some glaring typos and made some other minor edits.
Part 3:
As for Minsc and Boo, I'll have to pass on the ranger since he's not a thief. I would take Boo, but I'd have to kill Minsc first and then Boo would only join us long enough to take his revenge in the middle of the night.
That game is a no reload, any NPC death is permanent game -
Maybe I should have picked Other... Not sure...
I would do this: No reloads for all the things that go less than desired. Poor HP on level-up? Live with it. Failed to scribe a spell? Too bad. Getting your ass handed to you in a battle? Run away and live to fight another day. Use invisibility potions to escape. Do whatever it takes to stay alive. It's a party of thieves, after all.
If a NPC gets chunked that's it. Gone. Otherwise take the poor sod to a temple and get him or her resurrected. (Or not, and get a new Thief NPC.)
If the PC dies you can reload, but only once.
The difference between a ranger and a fighter/thief, is one is the game warden, the other is the poacher, I finally realized that today, and rerolled to a fighter/thief, deer steaks are just too good.
Part 2:
Quickly, Hope stuffed the man's body into a barrel in the room. No doubt it would the corpse would be discovered shortly, but she should be long gone by then. Next she headed to the barracks. Hull had mentioned that he had left his sword behind, well she will make better use of it than he would. She took that along with a potion of antidote.. probably meant for that sick cow that he was blabbering about, but honestly, who cares about a cow. You never know when such a potion would come in handy.
As prepared as she thought she could be, Hope headed toward the entrance to the Library to meet up with Gorion. Once there she again tried to pry him for more information about the journey, but he refused to divulge any more. Before leaving Candlekeep, Gorion advised Hope that she should head for the Friendly Arm Inn in the event that they got separated, and that she could find some friends of his there. And so they began their journey.
Darkness had fallen, but they continued their journey during the night. Then suddenly they found themselves ambushed. A figure in dark armor demanded that Gorion turn Hope over to him, and Gorion defiantly refused, at which point a fight broke out between Gorion and the assailants. Hope froze in fear, ashamed of herself, yet unable to act. She had killed a man earlier in the day, but that had been easy, she had the advantage, and had set the circumstances. This was much different, Gorion was doing well against the foe, but was clearly outnumbered. "Run child!" he shouted, bringing Hope out of her daze. Ashamed, but afraid, Hope ran for her life into the darkness, and though she didn't see Gorion fall, she was sure of his fate.
The dawn was especially cruel the next morning, Hope found herself bleary eyed and exhausted. Despite her best efforts not to, she had cried herself to sleep. Though she had always felt that Gorion was too soft, and too kind she had developed a fondness toward him over the last 20 or so years. She wouldn't call it love, for love was a weakness to be exploited, but she had always found his kindness to be comforting and she felt a certain loyalty to the man who had cared for her in her childhood. Slowly Hope composed herself, wiped the tears from her eyes and began to think on her next move. "Heyya, it's me Imoen", said a familiar voice. Despite the grief she felt now, Hope's heart leapt for joy at the sound of Imoen's voice. If ever she needed someone, it was now, though she would ever admit it to her friend.
Successfully keeping her tears back, Hope described the events during the night without emotion. Imoen cried softly as Hope described the attack and the fate of Gorion. Though she was not as close to him as Hope was, he was still well loved by most in Candlekeep. Imoen suggested that they return to the scene of the ambush, Gorion could be alive by some miracle or there may be a clue as to what had happened. Hope agreed to return, but held no foolish notions that Gorion was still alive, she had seen murder in the eyes of that armored man and was sure of Gorion's fate.
Arriving at the scene of the ambush, Hope forced herself to stare at Gorion's corpse, refusing to look away. She wanted the image burned in her mind, a reminder of her weakness, a reminder of her fear and inaction that night, a reminder of the rage that was slowly building as she recalled the events from the night before. Among Gorion's belongings, Hope found a scroll, signed by E. The scroll spoke cryptically of imminent danger and urged Gorion to leave Candlekeep as soon as possible. It mentioned Khalid and Jaheira, the same friends that Gorion had mentioned. Hope handed the scroll to Imoen to read before tucking it in her pack for safe keeping, it was not much to go on, but it confirmed the location of these "friends" of Gorion - Khalid and Jaheira. "Well," said Imoen, "at least there is some hope...". "NO!", Hope interrupted, she had allowed her anger and rage to build, she fed on it as it leaked into her heart. She understood now, the murder she had seen in that armored man's eyes, for it was that same murder that she felt now. It was consuming, it was evil, it was power. "There is no longer any Hope, only revenge."
Fleur and Imoen made their way toward the Friendly Arm Inn, staying on the road to avoid any unnecessary danger. Fleur was a capable fighter and could take care of herself, but as she had learned, she was not yet ready to face everything. Soon they came upon a man and a halfling loafing about, the halfling had a mean look on his face, and the man looked distracted. Fleur had intended to brush quickly past them, as they did not seem to be threatening, but she had no particular interest in striking up conversation with these two. As her and Imoen walked by the man called out to her, offering assistance in the form of a potion of healing. Fleur accepted the potion and then soon learned that it had only been a pretense for him to ask his own favor. Silently cursing herself for having so quickly accepted a favor without any thought as to what strings might be attached, she listened to the man talk about their intention of heading South to Nashkel. Apparently they were going to investigate the iron shortage in the region and wanted her and Imoen to join them. She decided that it would be best to gather companions in her quest to track down the killers of her foster father and avenge his death. The halfling looked to be quite capable, though the man gave her an uneasy feeling. Fleur explained that she was heading first the the Friendly Arm Inn, and if they would like to join her they were welcome, afterword they could head to Nashkel. Of course Fleur did not yet know if Nashkel was the direction she would head, but no need to let them know that, she would use them while she could.
Her new companions introduced themselves as Monteron and Xzar. Xzar was a necromancer and Monteron seemed to be a body guard of sorts. As they continued toward the Friendly Arm Inn, Fluer found herself drawn to Monteron. He was easy to talk to and had a good sense of humor, though it appeared he did not much like his travelling companion. Sensing the enmity between them, Fleur casually pushed the conversation in that direction, hoping to find something she could exploit later. Monteron explained to her that he was more or less forced to travel with the crazy necromancer, and hated every moment of it. When she asked him why he continued to do so, he muttered about certain obligations and began to avoid her questions. Instead she asked him more about Xzar, and it quickly became apparent that the man was unstable and could not be trusted. Fleur did not want to give the necromancer an opportunity to betray her, and so she began thinking on how she might rid herself of him without losing Monteron.
As she was pondering her dilemma, and old man suddenly approached her. He spoke to her with a certain familiarity and implied that she was either desperate or deranged to be traveling. Seeing how he was traveling himself, she mentioned as much, to which he replied good humouredly, then excused himself and went on his way. An interesting encounter that left her wondering, such an odd old man, yet intelligence had shone in his eyes and not the madness that she saw in Xzar's.
Further down the road they came upon a hunter, that seemed intent on making more noise than they were in an attempt to get them to remain quiet. In any event, his talk about hungry wolves had given her an idea. Fleur feigned exhaustion and said that she needed to rest before continuing. Seeing how the Friendly Arm was still several hours away and they had been travelling most of the day, the rest of the party did not complain. They made camp and Fleur listened as the others talked, mostly about the iron crisis and how it could impact the region. Eventually night fell and the others began to talk of sleep. Fleur offered to take the first watch, she was physically tired she explained, but did not feel sleepy, too much weighed on her mind. The others eventually dozed off, and Fleur waited. She heard a wolf howl, and then another, they were close - close enough anyway. Quietly Fleur stood up and drew a dagger hidden in her boots. Her footsteps light and precise she approached Xzar as he slept. She would have to work fast, she didn't know how powerful of a wizard he was, and she didn't want to find out. She clasped her hand over his mouth to stifle any noise and simultaneously plunged her dagger into the wizards heart. His eyes opened wide in surprise and he weakly began to struggle, but it was too late, seconds later they fluttered and closed and he lay still. She glanced at her companions and found to her satisfaction that neither had stirred. She hefted the now dead, mad wizard's corpse, careful not to leave a trail of blood and carried it away from camp. Fleur then returned to camp and allowed herself to fall asleep.
The next morning Fleur woke to grumbling and a kick in the ribs. "You fool child", Monteron yelled, "you went and fell asleep and now the crazy wizard's gone and wandered off!". Fleur stood up and brushed herself off, explaining that she had intended to wake him, but must have been overcome with exhaustion. They woke Imoen and began to search for Xzar. Not too long later they found his body, mangled, chewed and barely recognizable. "Wolves!" Imoen said in surprise and fear, quickly looking around to see if there were any more. Fleur and Monteron both nodded in agreement. "And the mad wizard falls, saves me the trouble," Monteron said as he looked pointedly at Fleur. She met his gaze, but he said nothing more. He knew, but he didn't ask. And he never would.
one little change is to make it an all Rogue party ( or bend the rules a little and add Monty and Xzar)
this way you can include garrick and/or eldorth and skie
have that magic too
fantastic idea Big thumbs up on this one ,
I am planning a play through with a Bard/Blade
I am going to incorporate your idea into that playthrough
please keep the board updated on how things are going
Monteron's report was all she needed to make up her mind. She approached the entrance to the inn stealthily, careful to stay in the shadows and asked Imoen and Monteron to remain far enough behind as to not be noticed, but close enough to come running if she shouted for help. She saw the man Monteron had described, thoughtfully reading a letter as he paced back and forth. It was enough of a distraction for her to draw her swords and and ram them into his stomach. He screamed in agony as his bowels leaked out of the gaping wound she caused. As he collapsed, writhing in pain she knelt down and whispered to him "Hope is dead, there is only revenge." She grabbed the letter from his hands as he slowly bled to death on the steps of the Inn, quickly scanning it she saw that it was a bounty notice - for her! By then the guards (and Imoen and Monteron) had come running up to investigate. "Stop!" they yelled, "what is this madness, what have you done, we will see you arrested for murder!". Fleur thought that between the three of them they could probably kill enough of the guards to escape, but she still wanted to meet up with Gorion's contacts, and doing so would surely close of that opportunity. Instead of preparing to fight, she dropped her swords and held up the letter. "Before you arrest me, have a look at this. It is a bounty notice that names me, but seeks to keep it hidden from forces of the law, surely a woman has a right to defend herself?"
The captain of the guard agreed to review the matter, but asked that Fleur and her companions don't leave the inn until they have made their final decision. Fleur reluctantly agreed. It was possible one of them would sell her out and claim the bounty for themselves, but she had caused enough of a scene that she doubted any of them would attempt to do so while she was within the walls of the Friendly Arm. The party headed inside the inn proper and as Fleur made her way to the bar a half-orc beckoned and demanded some ale. She scowled and informed him with a curt tone that she was no waitress, to which he responded to get out of his face. She replied with a rude remark and would have replied by smashing a fist in his nose if she weren't already under observation by the town guard. Hulking half-orc or no, Fleur wouldn't normally put up with such insolence.
As she continued to the bar, she spotted a couple in the corner talking to each other, she suspected they were Khalid and Jaheira. To be sure she inquired at the bar and confirmed her suspicions. She approached and greeted them, introducing herself as Gorion's foster child. They gave their condolences on her loss and suggested that she travel with them to Nashkel to investigate the iron crisis. Fleur politely declined their offer, she didn't fully trust these two. Perhaps it was only coincidence that they seemed to be expecting her to arrive at the inn, just days after the murder of Gorion, and that an attempt had been made on her life on the very steps of this inn. They didn't seem the sort, Khalid had a kind face and a gentle (too gentle) manner, and Jaheir was commanding and abrupt, but came across as honest - not to mention that Gorion and the letter had mentioned them as friends. Perhaps they were friends, but the only friend that Fleur trusted right now was Imoen. Though she would not be travelling with her, their trip to the Friendly Arm was not in vain. They had also been heading to Nashkel, supposedly to investigate the iron crisis as had Xzar and Monteron, this made a connection between Gorion and the events in Nashkel, a weak connection, but the best she had to go on. She had decided she will head that way after all.
After talking to Khalid and Jaheira, Fleur mingled with the various patrons in the Inn, turning on her charm, as she was capable of doing when the situation called for it. She picked up several interesting rumors. There was a dwarf who had been waylaid by an ogre and stolen a belt of his, could be useful for Fleur or possibly exchanged for a reward if not. A hobgoblin who had stolen a valuable ring of one of the residents, no reward was offered, but might be worth hunting down to sell. A spider infestation in a house in Beregost, a reward offered for the corpse of a spider and various other items, probably worth looking into if she found herself down that way. The most interesting rumor that she heard though was of a treasure hunter that had passed through this way not to long ago. Said she was heading to the coast to locate a hidden pirate cove with treasure and had been recruiting help. Fleur wasn't sure how dangerous a journey it was to the coast, but she would keep it in mind. If she were able to locate the treasure with the help of this woman, she could take her share (or all of it) and no doubt it would be useful to have gold to fund her in her search for revenge. If the woman turned out to be a capable companion, she may also decide to keep her around, instead of leaving her cold, dead body in the cove.
The party decided to head to Beregost as it was the next town before Nashkel and a good place to rest along the way and resupply. As Fleur and her companions, Monteron and Imoen, wandered about the town in search of a good inn, they came across Garrick who hired them to protect his employer, Silke. The party agreed to the price and Fleur was pleasantly surprised when Silke offered them more without any prompting. They waited around for a few minutes for the men that were harassing Silke to arrive. When they did so, it became very apparent that they had been set up by Silke and were not the aggressors. Well a job was a job and Fleur had no qualms about killing the men. The fight was quick and their dead bodies were now laying in the middle of the street. Silke explained to the gathering crowd that it had been self defense, most didn't seem to believe her, but what could they do?
Fleur accepted the payment and made as if to leave, the party rounded the corner, but then had a quick discussion. Obviously those men had done business with her before and she double crossed them, setting them up for death at Fleur and her companions' hands. It was quite possible she would double cross them as well in order to recover her payment. Monteron agreed, Imoen said it might be possible but not likely, and they could defend themselves if needed anyway. Fleur however was not about to wait and see. She intended to strike Silke down. The plan was simple, Fleur would sneak back and attack Silke from behind, Monteron and Imoen would casually stroll toward Silke just before Fleur struck, and once she did, they would join the fight. The plan worked perfectly. Before Silke could question why Monteron and Imoen were returning, Fleur jumped from the shadows and nearly cut Silke down. She hastily attempted to cast a spell but was interrupted by an arrow to the neck and Monteron's sword in her ribs. She fell to the ground as the life bled out of her. Fleur then confronted Garrick and explained how he was going to tell the story. They had been tricked into killing the men earlier, and after learning of Silke's foul deed, they sought justice. If they heard any other version of the story around town, they would come "ask" him about it. Garrick gulped and complied then hastily made his way off.
Fleur and company spent the next few hours learning the layout of the city and asking around for any useful information. They heard several rumors of the trouble down south, Fleur couldn't imagine how the iron crisis might be connected to Gorion or his assassins, but she determined she would head that way shortly. Fleur also learned that Firebead was in town, as much as she disliked the old elf leering at her all the time, he may be good for some money and information. Firebead was very happy to see Fleur and mentioned his identify scroll that she had been sent to fetch for him in Candlekeep - the one she had taken and never returned. Fleur explained what had happened the night they left, making sure to cry and appear emotional. Soon Firebead forgot about the scroll and said that if she'd be kind enough to purchase a book for him at the inn he'd give her a gift and some gold to help her on her way. Fleur purchased the requested book and gladly accepted the scroll case and gold he offered. Fleur then distracted him with idle chatter and light flirting while Monteron and Imoen lifted any valuables they could find from his house.
At this point they were quite tired from all of the travel and events of the day. They headed to the Red Sheaf inn upon Firebead's recommendation. When they entered they were immediately confronted by yet another assassin. Fleur's first thought was anger at herself on how she could fall into such a trap, but those thoughts were quickly interrupted as the assassin struck at the party fiercly. It was an intense fight, the dwarf was a capable fighter and there were many close calls for Fleur and Monteron as they engaged him in melee, Imoen was relatively safe, shooting her bow from a distance. In the end though they defeated him. They then rested for the night, intending on heading to Nashkel at first light.