SPOILERS! Any new content in 2012 build patch?

I've been scouring the forum about this, but can't find any specific info. Is there new playable content in the 2012 patch?
I keep hearing about a "special something" added that is "same as PC" ... i can't figure out what it is either
I keep hearing about a "special something" added that is "same as PC" ... i can't figure out what it is either
Prior to patching, I'm already in chapter 5, and have done everything South of baldur's gate ( except durlag's tower), including all the NPC quests
Does this mean I have to restart?
So far, I know I missed out on a scroll case that was added as a reward in a quest that I already completed.
I'll give you a hint for the next playthrough, in case the patch isn't out by then: Your main character needs to be at least level 5 in any class before you can find "the stuff."
And avoid the General forum unless you want to be spoiled. <_<