Using NPC mules

Its safe to use npc chars as mules? i mean put tons of stuff in them and kick them out from party when ur in the inn or something.
Its safe? because i read somewhere that in BG-1 there were bugs about this, NPC's reseting their inventory when u didnt visit the zone for big intervals of time.
Its safe? because i read somewhere that in BG-1 there were bugs about this, NPC's reseting their inventory when u didnt visit the zone for big intervals of time.
and someone tried using NPC's as mules?
It might be possible to have an NPC hold onto junk and kick them out to claim the junk later, but I don't see the point of it. Why are you carrying around so much stuff that you're even considering that? Since your new, I might add: Feel free to ditch or pawn the bounty notices you doubtlessly have been collecting. They serve no purpose other than to add flavor to the game.
One is to choose an inn in Beregost as my home base, go to the second floor, and place the items in a container such as a drawer. They won't disappear--whatever you place in a container remains there. If I do it this way I basically imagine that I'm renting that room for the party, ignoring the fact that there's no locked door and anyone can come and go into the room.
The other approach involves an Easter egg feature (from the original game) so I'll wrap it in a spoiler tag: