guidance on my halberd wielding half orc barbarian

armor seems to be biggest problem for barbarians(not sure if they can use shields, nonetheless wanted a big halberd wielding barbarian) i put two points into halberds and two points into two handed weapons. Does anyone else use a barbian that uses two handed weapons? what's your advice?
@pipinho You could kill Drizzt for his Mithril Chainmail +4.
This sounds like a fun character.
Higher level mage using blue and red fireshields and stoneskin, let him kill himself on your shields.
A bunch of stacked thief traps
Back stab him, run off, hide/invis, backstab, repeat
Or more cheesy,
Have one person kite him with boots / potion of speed and the rest use range weapons, a critical hit will always hit
Surround him with party members and boot them from the party, then attack with ranged or a two handed weapon from outside his melee range, he cant pass through the party members. Same trick works if you make the party members invis, because he can't see invis.
If you're good or neutral aligned and want to kill Drizzt and feel somewhat justified in doing it: When you encounter Drizzt he calls out for your help, and says if you don't give me a hand here I may consider you an enemy as well as these gnolls; you can then choose a dialogue option that basically tells him to bugger off; he will turn hostile.
As to how to kill him, it's been so long since I did it I can't even remember. I don't like killing him and usually don't play evil...
There used to be a cheesey way of drawing him to one side of the lake and having your archers, placed on the lake's opposite side, make a pin cushion out of him. I have completely forgotten the finer mechanics of that tactic now. That obviously exploits a weakness in the AI, though.
IIRC he has some magic resistance, so killing him with legitimate (i.e., no-cheese) tactics is really tough. I may have to go in and revisit this just to see what it takes. In the meantime others will probably share a number of ways to take him out.
At level 1 get Imoen, Xzar, Monatron, Jahaeria, Khalid.
Go find Drizzt .
Have your 5 party members surround him, boot them from the group while you are next to each one so they don't have to walk to talk to you.
Equip a quarterstaff. Stand at maximum range that you can still hit Drizzt through your party members that aren't in your party anymore. Start attacking. Go afk for 15 minutes.
It's very difficult to kill Drizzt without cheese, though. Pick-pocketing his Scimitars is much easier, especially if you have a Bard (and potions of Master Thievery/Perception/Mind Focusing).
There's chainmail + 3 in the game that sets base AC to 2, and it's possible to get early on:
But I'm not sure what the new elven chainmail sets AC to...
It can be bought cheaply and early on here:
Nashkel Carnival
If im running 2 tanks i'll usually have one shielded tank with high AC and one with high damage output. An example of this is In my past game with an evil party - Kagain/Dorn made are pretty good duo with Kagains insane tanking ability with dex gauntlets, massive hps, regen and saving throws and Dorn doing tonnes of damage
If need be you should also be able to tank reasonable well urself even with an AC or 1 to -3 and can use ur cleric to tank in situation where ur being attacked from many angles
positioning is everything in BG.
also you can grab the +1 constitution tome early which will have you regenerating to full health everytime you move areas or sleep