Help: Noone has anything to say to anyone

Hi all
This is very strange, dialog in my party has completely silenced, I think it has been that way for a long time. Nowone will enter dialog "charname has nothing to say to you" - everyone.
My party is this:
Myself: Human Berserker, Chaotic good
Im in chapter 5 and noone has said anything for a loong time. What could it be? Ive done quest from a good alignement pov. Reputation is 20 (herioc) atm.
Hell, even Imoen wont speak to me
Any suggestions?
This is very strange, dialog in my party has completely silenced, I think it has been that way for a long time. Nowone will enter dialog "charname has nothing to say to you" - everyone.
My party is this:
Myself: Human Berserker, Chaotic good
Im in chapter 5 and noone has said anything for a loong time. What could it be? Ive done quest from a good alignement pov. Reputation is 20 (herioc) atm.
Hell, even Imoen wont speak to me

Any suggestions?
By the time you have invested in creation of a particular character within that gameplan, chosen a cool portrait, found a great custom soundset, (and in some cases maybe even use SK to hack an illegal although not necessarily overpowered build), the character feels about as fun to play as a NPC. They can often have a very unique flavor. In many cases I've even enjoyed them more than the NPCs. They just don't have a quest. But that's fine.
In BG2 it's a different story, of course.
But anyway, this is one of the reasons that I remain hopeful that WotC might one day see fit to sign off on professionally done DLC of banters for BG:EE. Don't get me wrong, I love the BG1 NPC Project. But it would be awesome to see a professionally developed banter pack for the game. Using as many of the original voice actors as they can get. (In cases where they aren't available, hire new actors that can sound indistinguishable from the originals--that's what pros do.) Nothing could refresh the game than this, imho.
In this BGEE playthrough nps have been virtually silent.
Also, it's easy to miss the few banters that NPCs do have in BG1, as the game doesn't pause and open up a dialog box like it does in BG2. They just speak the lines as you're walking around or whatever, so if you have the volume turned down and subtitles off, you may not even notice.
or this
also ...
"Jaheira! Must you be so ... so ..."
"Yes, that's, definitely it."