Best ways to play a Fighter/Mage?

I normally play plain fighters because I love the idea of being amazing with one weapon but I want to switch it up a little bit. So I think Fighter/Mage multi should be pretty good. How do I go about building this class? Best Weapon choices? Armor? I Plan on being a half-elf so I can romance Viconia in BG2 if that helps.
Stats: You want the same stats as a Fighter does, plus high Int. Good luck with that rolling. You might be able to skimp on Str if you really have to due to the availability of Str-enhancing items and spells.
Weapons: Lots of different ways you could go on this one, depending on whether you prefer two-handed weapons or dual wielding, and whether you prioritize raw damage or special effects. Good weapon choices include (in no particular order): Long Swords, Maces, Two-Handed Swords, Staves, Scimitars, War Hammers, and one really good Dagger that's fun to dual wield with. Longbow proficiency is a good choice for a ranged weapon.
So, I think there are 4 robes of the neutral arch magi it he game, 2 evil, 1 good.
It controls how many spells per level you can learn, and it controls the odds if you will successfully memorize a spell or not (Core rules or higher)
Sorcerers, on the other hand, don't give a flying fig about Intelligence.
18/18/18/15/3/3 is 75 points, and getting a roll of 91-92 doesn't take that long, especially with the new tally total, so the stats are doable and won't take you three hours to get.
Weapon wise, I like the choice of either using a two-handed sword or quarterstaff with the two-handed weapon fighting style, or dual wield a one-handed weapon (** in a primary weapon like a mace so you also have a secondary blunt weapon for some enemies, then build towards **katana for BG2 goodness).
For early spell selections you can go a lot of ways, but I tend to enjoy buffing/debuffing spells while having another spell-caster being the ranged nuker. Spells like Armor (Your primary defense until AC6 Bracers/Archmagi Robe), Sleep, Ghoul Touch (You can hit on the melee attack to paralyze, and then you have the melee ability to tear them apart), Glitterdust (Mass Blind, yay!), Mirror Image (one of the best defensive spells, anywhere), Haste and Slow, Remove Magic, Wraithform (Shame it's picked up so late).
Combine the F/M with a strong Cleric (or F/C) and another ranged spellcaster, you will have a ton of control, and a ton of damage and tear through the Sword Coast.
Str: 16 (+1 from Tome, +1 in ToB from Machine of Lum the Mad but it doesn't matter if you use one of those girdles of giant strength or Angurvadal in ToB)
Dex: 17 (+1 from Tome - you have to have high dexterity to compensate for the lack of proper armor (don't waste Gauntlets of Dexterity on this), -1 in BG2 if you play good, +1 in ToB from Machine of Lum the Mad)
Con: 16 (+1 from Tome, -1 in BG2 if you sacrifice it to the demon in the dream, +1 in ToB from Machine of Lum the Mad)
Int: 16 (+1 from Tome to cast high level spells)
Wis: 13 (+1 from Tome - just for saves & lore, don't need it for Wish because there is a potion for that)
Cha: 15 (+1 from Tome - for leadership and morale, and also for the funny line in BG2 from Aran Linvail's mistress)
The best armor in BG1 is the Robe of the Archmagi+Bracers of Defense AC 6.
In BG2 - Robe of Vecna+Bracers of Defense AC 3.
In Tob - Robe of Vecna or Aslyferund's Elven Chain+Bracers of Defense AC 3.
I always go full on for the dual wielding weapon proficiency because it's the best ass kicker.
For weapons themselves I usually specialize in long swords (for Varscona +2 in BG1, for many awesome long swords in BG2, and for Angurvadal in ToB) and
bastard swords (for Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters in BG1 and Foebane in ToB)
I also put points in flails for the Flail of Ages - because it's awesome too. And in ToB I put remaining points in whatever, usually staff and dagger.
For F/M to be an effective fighter (and that's why you play it, right? - to be a cool and flashy magic wielding fighter) you primarily have to memorize defensive spells - like Blur, Mirror Image, Stoneskin, Ghost/Spirit Armor, Immunity to Normal/Magic Weapons, Invisibility (Improved) etc. to survive on the front lines. Haste also helps. And of course the usual defensive and offensive spells against spell casters are also required, like Globe of Invulnerability, Dispel, Remove Magic, Secret Word, Breach etc. For the offensive spells you can choose whatever - I mostly go with the direct damage spells, like Chromatic Orb, Skull Trap, Melf's Minute Meteors etc. However there are good crowd control spells you should probably use to make the most out of you F/M like Horror, Slow, Emotion (very effective), Confusion etc.
Be mindful that you'll probably want to have more than just F/M as a spellcaster in your party - it's always better to have two or three to really dominate the battlefield. Edwin is a good choice if you are evil, Dynaheir if you are good in BG1 (and the new guys in BGEE). In BG2 - Edwin, Imoen, Nalia and as supporter Haer'Dalis (yea, him, not Aerie or Jan, because by the time of ToB he has more spells up to level 6 with those Bard Gloves and Dakkon Zerth's blade and can actually be a good dps dealer along with F/M).
Max your stats except charisma.
Str - Thac0 & damage
Dex - AC & Thac0 with missile weapons
Con - HP
Int - Max level spells, chance to learn
Wis - Lore & Better Wish results
Cha - not needed for this build(also there is Ring of Human Influence that rises Cha to 18)
You can decide not to max your abilities cuz there are items that boost every stat(permanently or temporary). At least max your Str, Con and Int, if you are not into rolling for stats.
Recommended armor - Robe of Vecna
Recommended amulet - Amulet of Power
Recommended bracers - Gauntlets of Extra-ordinary Specialization
Recommended helm - Helm of Balduran
Recommended belt - Girdle of Inertial Barrier
Recommended cloak - Cloak of Mirroring/Cloak of Balduran(BG1 only)
Recommended rings - Ring of Gaxx & Ring of Protection +3
Recommended boots - Boots of Speed
Recommended Weapons - that it highly arguable.
Recommended Proficiencies - Two Weapon Style maxed and the remaining stars(points) are up to you to decide
Spells - The more you learn, the better.
I'm sticking with Half-Elf (I now elf is much better) But I wanna romance Viconia during the saga. I'm thinking quarterstaff, or flail and shield(but not sure if the ac bonus will really matter) and I dual wield on all my fighters so I kinda want to switch it up.. I rest pretty often to keep my spells so should I still keep a set of plate armor around?
I'd just keep a robe of the arch magi on, and in BG2 the robe of vecna.
(Assuming a 92 given the range 91-93 given)
Str: 18/XX
Wis: 10
Cha: 10
If Elf then 19 dex, 17 con.
If Gnome then 19 int wis 9.
Int isn't THAT important, but I play on core rules and failing to memorize a spell annoys me.
If you don't want to have to use a wisdom potion for wish than up Wis to 15 (It will be 18 after 3 tomes) and dump Cha down to 5.
"The best armor in BG1 is the Robe of the Archmagi+Bracers of Defense AC 6."
Bracers and armor don't stack, and since the robe of the archmagi is 5 AC the bracers don't do anything. On a F/M you'd be better off with legacy of the masters.
I had him use axes and shields. Rare was the time a missile weapon hit him. I prepared the Armor spells or higher versions of them, and never wore armor.
No matter the race, you'll want High STR, DEX, CON, and INT. I maxed them all out by making CHA and WIS dump stats, but you might not want to be that unbalanced.
By the end of it all, my wisdom was up to an 8, my CHA a 9, my INT a 20, my CON a 19, and my strength a 19 with all the tomes.
In my own very recent run with one of these I chose:
Two Weapon Style ++
Long Swords ++
ending at Fighter 7/Mage 7 with profs:
Two Weapon Style +++
Long Swords ++
Katana +
Flame Tongue
Katana +1
Robe of the Archmagi
Amulet of Metaspell Influence
Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise
Helm of Balduran
Ring of Wizardry
Ring of Protection +2
The Armor spell is a must for a F/M, which I augmented regularly with Shield, and at the end of the game Stoneskin.
Offensively, I used disabling spells such as Sleep, Blindness, Glitterdust, Horror, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hold Person, and Slow. I cast a lot of those right in the midst of melee, which was pretty exciting. I don't recall having my spellcasting interrupted even once. Sometimes for strategic reasons I would dash off one or two spells before racing into battle.
I also had Neera along so she handled a lot of the other spells I normally use such as Haste, Greater Malison, Spellthrust, etc.
I did not need uber stats across the board.
Str 18/56 - (19 with tome)
Dex 16 - (17 with tome)
Con 12 - (13 with tome)
Int 18 - (19 with tome)
Wis 10
Cha 10
I had his AC down to -2 with Armor and Shield; -3 with Draw Upon Holy Might. His HP (with Familiar) 62; HP 69 with DUHM.
With only Sarevok left to defeat he ended up with 46% of the kills.
(Notes: Dorn was the only one even close behind the main with 25% of the kills. The PC and Dorn were the two chief 'damage-dealers' in the party. Rasaad got 11%, Imoen 8%, Viconia 4%, and Neera 2%. Viconia was an incredibly effective tank, but as a pure class cleric she just doesn't hit much.)
I'm still interested in trying a F/M who is devastating with the bow. He or she would probably get more spells off that way. I think I might try to make that a dual-class though.
multi-class toons
but have played a Bard Blade
I have a lot of play throughs planned
don't know if I will get to a Fighter/mage