Window's firewall will not let my Tales of the Sword Coast 'connect' with Multi-player format??

From a complete but eager newbie-- Trying to set up a multi-player format for myself as a single player learning the game, so I can import one or two pre-made characters in the early game. Pushing Connect button from Multi Player option brings up a screen saying Tales of the Sword Coast has stopped working.
You should give us some more information.
Are you running the Enhanced Edition? It seems as though you are running the original from your reference to TotSC. If so, you may need to manually enable communication protocols (IPX, I think), though I don't remember that causing any crashing.
Does it crash regardless of the connection type you use? Have you tried changing from tcp/ip? What version of Windows are you using? Anything post-XP is an enormous pain to play BG MP on.