New Party dilema :(

I have this party atm:
Me: Pure thief
Imoen: Dualed her to mage at lvl 5 (My trap finder, lvl 100 skill)
Minsc: Op guy wih Drizz's scimitars
Dorn: Very strong ¬¬
Viconia: Healer
Neera: Just a sexy mage who wants to date me;)
Well i came accross with Coran and his amazin 20 dex and pips in bow are too good to be ignored.
I dont know if i should change him for one of my current party members. I would like to know ppls opinion. ty:)
Me: Pure thief
Imoen: Dualed her to mage at lvl 5 (My trap finder, lvl 100 skill)
Minsc: Op guy wih Drizz's scimitars
Dorn: Very strong ¬¬
Viconia: Healer
Neera: Just a sexy mage who wants to date me;)
Well i came accross with Coran and his amazin 20 dex and pips in bow are too good to be ignored.
I dont know if i should change him for one of my current party members. I would like to know ppls opinion. ty:)
(You probably need the BG1NPC banter mod to have this actually work.)
I think you have to go, actually... ;P No wait, of course not...
You probably get away with cutting Minsc or Dorn lose. If you've got Viconia in ankheg armor as a tank, you can get by with one other frontliner (i.e., here a meleeing damage-dealer).
Or you could try waiting until the next game to add both Kivan and Coran, the two best bowmen in the game. They're a devastating duo.
Edit: if you want Coran OP, I would kick Imoen. Her con is useful, but as an archer it shouldn't really matter. And yes, his third pip plus elf for extra THAC0 make him pretty awesome. If you give him the tome of Dex for a further +1, he gets even more ridiculous
I would dump her and add Coran