Who gets Vecna?

In a hypothetical party consisting of:
Who gains the most from the robe of Vecna?
Who gains the most from the robe of Vecna?
- Who gets Vecna?76 votes
- The Berserker, for clutch spellcasts in melee13.16%
- The Sorcerer, for sheer arcane power67.11%
- Nobody. Vecna is the Amnish translation for 'cheese'13.16%
- Cheat in two, everybody wins!  6.58%
Oh, wait. That isn't what you were asking.
And for ranger/cleric : not spending enough time out of melee, not enough decisive spells, and you can equip it with amulet of power, which is perfect for a priest-like character.
EDIT : only mages can wear the robe, obviously. Next time, I 'll have to think BEFORE reply... not after ^^
I gave it to Aerie.
Nothing like a barrage of Horrid Wiltings thrown in no time at all, especially when the sorceror has boots of speed to throw them across the battlefield.
Sorcerors are massively powerful, and they should be facilitating in dealing their damage as often as possible. The robe is how this is done.
Vecna's never been the same since they broke up.
Speaking of Kas, screw the robe, I want Kas' sword.
Edwin. Sometimes Edwin.
Spells with a specific cast time that aren't a number like Armor and Heal (1 round) are not reduced by the robe. Only spells that do have a numerical cast time like Cloudkill (5) and Horrid Wilting (8) are reduced.
The above is false. 1 round is equal to 10/10 of a round so Vecna does indeed reduce the time for spells with casting times of 1 round.
If I remember right, that number means how many tenths of a round it takes to cast the spell. Vecna reduces this time by 4/10. So for Cloudkill its 1/2 a round (5/10), reduced to 1/10 with the robe. Time Stop takes 9/10 of a round, reduced to 1/2 a round (5/10).
Edit: whoops no c/m in the party. I would prob choose sorcerer in your party, but I believe it's full power is only realized in the hands of a cleric mage. Having clerical spells accelerated is awesome
But yes, Cleric/Mage. If there were a Druid/Mage, might even go for that instead for some AOE death/blind spells put into the Alacrity chain.
you should have seen her rock the house in watcher's keep
As I said, I gave mine to Aerie, I thus figured clerics could use robes and didn't give it a 2nd thought. Hmm, interesting! Makes sense, though I'm not entirely sure you're correct; I even remember testing how fast Aerie could cast "Heal" versus Anomen and hers was alot quicker (and a lifesaver in many tough battles!). I'll see if I can't dig up those old saves, later.
I'd still give it to Aerie if I had her around (going evil this time muhahaha!), though, it does wonders for Mass Cure and Mass Ress which are amazing spells unless you use cheese.
Pretty sure you're thinking of the Cure Wounds line of spells, because those have numerical cast times. I give Vecna's robe to Aerie when I play with her for that reason: faster Mass Cure and instant Greater Restoration.
Mass Raise Dead (Necromancy)
Level: Quest
Casting Time: 2
Sphere: Necromantic
Area of Effect: Up to 5 party members
Range: Sight of the caster
Saving Throw: Special
Duration: Permanent
A more powerful version of Raise Dead, this spell brings up to 5 party members back
to life and heals 3D10+1 per level of the caster points of damage. They can regain the
rest of their hit points by natural healing or curative magic.
This spell restores life to dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, elves, half-orcs and
Incase people have missed this: Yes, it HEALS. And for more than Mass Cure. The casting time is only 2, though it applies the ressurection animation, THEN it heals, so the actual time it takes to get the effect out of it is roughly equal to Mass Cure. It's like Mass Cure's big brother.
Regeneration, the most powerful single-target healing spell ALSO gets boosted by Robe of Vecna.