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BGEE: What are the romance options, and a girdle question

So, what romance options are there in BGEE? I remember playing this game WAY back when I didn't even know what was going on, and I'm super stoked that they brought it back... But what romance options are there? Were there any original, have they stuck around, and are there any new ones (I've seen a lot about this Neera character, so that's kinda already answered)?

Another question I have is this. In the original BG2, if you used the cheat or whatever to change your characters gender, the game would still recognize your original character, allowing the option to romance, at that point, same gender characters. Yea, it's a bit shameless, but I'm wondering if the same thing happens with the romances in this game when you equip the girdle of genderbending, or if the cheat is still around, since using up the belt slot just for a gay character seems only SUPER RP worthy (though, what an RP THAT would be).


  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    No romances in original BG1.

    You can romance the new NPCs I think, but it isn't much of a romance. It is a few flirts and then it is over until they reappear in BG2.

    Dorn (new NPC) actually already romances both men and women. Not sure about how it works with other characters if you use the belt.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    - Neera will romance any male character.
    - Rasaad will romance any good-aligned female.
    - Dorn will romance anyone who does his quest.

    Rasaad checks your gender until it is female and Neera constantly checks if you are male. So if you want to romance all three characters, just briefly be a woman and then stay as a man. Dorn's dialogue does not acknowledge your gender, so you won't miss anything.
  • BronypwnyBronypwny Member Posts: 12
    Ah, alright then, thanks for the quick reply at least. Blah that they fixed that, but it's not a horrible game-breaking fix. I love the game in general, just means that my character will probably have no romances (oh no, whatever will I do...)
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681

    This mod will disable the gender checks and fix the dialogue for same-sex romances.
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