Unfortunately none of the BG1 NPCs have much to say. You also find out during the game that Branwen was petrified by Tranzig, the evil wizard you must interrogate after the Nashkel mines and meeting him with her in your group also doesn't trigger anything.
You might wanna keep an eye to a BG:EE release of the BG1 NPC project. They make a lot of effort in making the game more in line with BG2 in terms of how much the other characters interact with the story (as well as between them).
Expected Kivan and Branwen to have something to say when they ran into encounters related to their character history, but neither said a word except for the usual blurbs.
Yep, the NPC project adds Kivan's response. Normally, you have the chance of "joining" the bandits in either of the two woods surrounding the camp. Then, to prove yourself, you have to stand your ground against Tazok.
With Kivan in the party, Tazok recognises him and orders you slaughtered. This potentially makes the camp a bit harder since you' don't have the chance to sneak around and choose your moment to strike.
I remember installing a mod that made him available (with quests, banters and everything) in BG2 and ending up uninstalling it after realizing the writer turned him into Legolas' sensitive, babbling cousin. So much for the dark, brooding, low-charisma badass whose "need for revenge gives him strength to go on".
I assume it was just one of the several things that got cut out/forgotten.
A pitty to hear that, he should be rly mad in that conversation
You might wanna keep an eye to a BG:EE release of the BG1 NPC project. They make a lot of effort in making the game more in line with BG2 in terms of how much the other characters interact with the story (as well as between them).
With Kivan in the party, Tazok recognises him and orders you slaughtered. This potentially makes the camp a bit harder since you' don't have the chance to sneak around and choose your moment to strike.
Kivan is such a shady (and righteous) character.