losing multiplayer characters to Basilisks

I'm playing BG in multiplayer mode in order to have my own custom group. everything was going fine until I ran into a Basilisk. after i used a stone to flesh scroll I find that my characters need to rejoin from the creation section and when they rejoin all of their equipment is lost.
Is there any way to avoid this happening, besides avoiding Basilisks?
Is there any way to avoid this happening, besides avoiding Basilisks?
Since this is the New Players subforum, I should add: Avoiding petrification is relatively easy. Simply cast the low-level Protection from Petrification spell on one or two heavily-armored characters in your party, and have them at the front lines when you engage the Basilisks. Unless you accidentally set yourself up to be flanked, you'll never lose a character to petrification this way. Other strategies include using summons to soak up the gaze attacks, especially undead summons who are immune to the gaze.
I will use it if I cant find another solution.
Avoiding this situation is quite easy. In this location is friendly ghoul Korax, allow him to join you and tank those lizards. Another "tank" could be your familiar (if your charname is mage or multiclass mage): Psuedo Dragon (Lawful good), ferret (Lawful neutral), rabbit (true neutral), cat (chaotic neutral). All of them have 50% magic ressistance which is... awesome.
And of course, there is Protection from Petrification, level 1 arcane spell.
To be honest it was an accident. Scouting cat was suddenly attacked by 3 basilisks. Tanking with it on purpose is really idiotic idea.