Chill Touch actually quite good!

Chill Touch often seems to get written off, but I've found out it actually doesn't seem too shabby in practise- it seems to give +5 to hit (from your base THAC0), does 1-3 fist damage (not sure if this is adjusted by strength) and what I think is 1-8 magic cold damage, which despite what the description says does *not* seem to require a save (though some enemies e.g. skeletons are immune to this effect), only the -2 THAC0 affect seems to require a save (which only those affected by the cold damage need to make). It last a turn (which I think is 6 rounds?), which is reasonably long.
For Bard or mage multiclass this looks potentially actually quite useful!
For Bard or mage multiclass this looks potentially actually quite useful!
1) Better off staying out of melee range
2) Not all that likely to actually hit anything that faces them in melee
Do you find the +5 to hit really enough to make it likely for a mage to hit with this spell effect?
I have the same issue with Larochs (sp?) drain. It is OK as an alternative at low levels, but loses effectiveness over MM almost directly. And if you want to play a necromancer, you either have to understand that you have a less useful and less universal spell over a more useful spell, or you have to powergame and just take MM anyway. really kinda sucks.
Perhaps there is a limited use against very hard-to-hit monsters. I wonder if the -2 THAC0 penalty stacks...
Yes, 18/91 str is a lot of damage, but in PnP (where the spell was designed, even though it's not exactly the same as PnP version) you didn't have the insane ability scores, that players roll hundreds of times to get in BG.
Character power in BG, across the board, is very exaggerated over PnP.
Undead are immune to cold damage since they are dead (no body heat and so on).
There was a poster on the Bioware forums who a while ago won the game (SCS) with a solo sorceress relying almost entirely on melee: buffs + chill touch/polymorph self. Very impressive run.
BTW would Chill Touch actually get an THAC0 bonus from hight strength? Also would it get any to hit and/or damage bonus from the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise? I assume not in the latter case, but could be wrong. Also I assume what is the case for Chill Touch would be the case for all touch spells, in terms of what things, if any, give bonuses to hit/damage?
half my team were either on the verge of death or held/confused, xzar used a ghoul touch scroll and paralysed the bitch!
"It last a turn (which I think is 6 rounds?)"
A turn = 10 rounds, or a full minute.
Strangely in Near Infinity the damage type is described as "piercing", but am not sure if this is for the fist attack or the cold attack, can't see how it can be for the latter, though
Prep: Shield+Blur+Mirror Image+Haste+etc
Mnr Sequencer: Chill Touch + Strength
Cast: Polymorph Self
Change to sword Spider and Cast sequencer
Result: 5 attacks per round at 18/50 strength doing 3-5+1d8+3 damage with a +5 attack bonus (4 for spell 1 for strength) (and maybe you have poison, I'm not sure)
Oh. Thaco not good enough?
Cast web first. You're immune to web. Held creatures are automatically hit.
Wizard? Same thing, but slime - 100% magic resistant.
And if you're playing a mage (i.e. you can know more than 2 lvl 4 spells: you can throw in even more goodness; e.g. stoneskin, II, Fireshield, etc.)
(Inspired by Alastria the transmuting sorceress -- I don't know if that's what she did, all I've seen is her sorcerer's spell list, but making some inferences and knowing she was a melee sorceress I'm assuming she combined sequencer with melee attack spells and polymorphs principally.)
The great thing about 2nd and 3rd edition D&D is how open it is to creative use! I really think that's part of why even a much odler game like this has so much staying power. It's not 'balanced' by forcing players along a few rails. There's room to be creative.
Worth it for style at the very least