Recruting new charcters to my party (HP problem)
When i lvl up i always put the difficulty from Core to easy to get max HP gain. When i however meet a new character i want to recruit, lets say Minsc for example and i recruit him when he is lvl 5. Is there any way to make sure he has gotten max hp gain each lvl?
I dont want a lvl 5 Minsc with 20 HP's. Is it best to just recruit characters when they are lvl 1 to get max HP gain? Recruiting high lvl characters always seem to have very low HP and than become useless compared to the typical starting chars you find at lvl 1 who had max HP gain since lvl 1.
I dont want a lvl 5 Minsc with 20 HP's. Is it best to just recruit characters when they are lvl 1 to get max HP gain? Recruiting high lvl characters always seem to have very low HP and than become useless compared to the typical starting chars you find at lvl 1 who had max HP gain since lvl 1.
You can keep gaining experience, but do not clic "level up" untill you have found all the NPC you need. Then, you'll be able, for instance, to get a level 1 Minsc, even if you have enough XP to be level 3.