Really, a comprehensive list would (and probably should) be available for players, ideally in a pdf addendum to the manual. I remember back in 2005 I had problems with the data bound grids displaying and sorting correctly for NI, and for a variety of reasons I don't wish to install java at this time.
If there is a file diagram somewhere, perhaps I could write a filter/parser to sling the spell data into a spreadsheet.
Comprehensive List of Scroll Caster Levels in BG:EE
Notes: - Some of these scrolls aren't obtainable without the console. - If the scroll is cast below the level where you can normally do so from a book, its effects will be the same as if it had been cast at the minimum legal level. For example, Shadow Door, a level 5 spell that lasts 1 round/level, will last 9 rounds despite being cast at level 1.
Level 1:
Shadow Door
Level 5:
Animate Dead Cloudkill Cone of Cold Confusion Dimension Door Identify Improved Invisibility Minor Globe of Invulnerability Monster Summoning II Monster Summoning III Summon Cow Vocalize
Bigby's Crushing Hand Champion's Strength Chaos Chaotic Commands Cure Critical Wounds Domination Feeblemind Flame Strike Hold Monster Raise Dead
Level 10:
Breach Conjure Lesser Air Elemental Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental Contagion Deafness Detect Illusion Enchanted Weapon Farsight Find Familiar Fireshield (Blue) Fireshield (Red) Glitterdust Hold Undead Ice Storm Invisibility, 10' Radius Lower Resistance Melf's Minute Meteor Minor Sequencer Minor Spell Deflection Minor Spell Turning Oracle Phantom Blade Power Word, Sleep Protection From Acid Protection From Cold Protection From Electricity Protection From Fire Protection From Normal Weapons Ray of Enfeeblement Reflected Image Remove Magic Secret Word Spell Immunity Spell Shield Spell Thrust Spider Spawn Spook Stoneskin Sunfire Teleport Field Wish Wizard Eye
If you need this for something, I'll put a list together when I have time.
If there is a file diagram somewhere, perhaps I could write a filter/parser to sling the spell data into a spreadsheet.
- Some of these scrolls aren't obtainable without the console.
- If the scroll is cast below the level where you can normally do so from a book, its effects will be the same as if it had been cast at the minimum legal level. For example, Shadow Door, a level 5 spell that lasts 1 round/level, will last 9 rounds despite being cast at level 1.
Level 1:
Level 5:
Cone of Cold
Dimension Door
Improved Invisibility
Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Monster Summoning II
Monster Summoning III
Summon Cow
Level 6: Everything else.
Level 7:
Defensive Harmony
Greater Malison
Mental Domination
Neutralize Poison
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Polymorph Other
Polymorph Self
Protection From Evil, 10' Radius
Protection From Lightning
Remove Curse
Spirit Armor
Level 8:
Level 9:
Champion's Strength
Chaotic Commands
Cure Critical Wounds
Flame Strike
Hold Monster
Raise Dead
Level 10:
Conjure Lesser Air Elemental
Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental
Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental
Detect Illusion
Enchanted Weapon
Find Familiar
Fireshield (Blue)
Fireshield (Red)
Hold Undead
Ice Storm
Invisibility, 10' Radius
Lower Resistance
Melf's Minute Meteor
Minor Sequencer
Minor Spell Deflection
Minor Spell Turning
Phantom Blade
Power Word, Sleep
Protection From Acid
Protection From Cold
Protection From Electricity
Protection From Fire
Protection From Normal Weapons
Ray of Enfeeblement
Reflected Image
Remove Magic
Secret Word
Spell Immunity
Spell Shield
Spell Thrust
Spider Spawn
Teleport Field
Wizard Eye
Thanks for confirming