assassin style characters, how do they work?

I have been trying to figure out the whole stealth ability use since once you make any action you are totally visible. The back stab ability has only one shot of working to do 3 times the amount of damage and I am still trying to figure out if you can even take down any semi-powerful enemy such as a doom guard or a mage with shielding as a stealth character.
Im interested in making a stealth character but have no idea why I should invest in hide in shadows compared to detect/open locks skills. I also dont want a range character as I have already got a ranger.
Im interested in making a stealth character but have no idea why I should invest in hide in shadows compared to detect/open locks skills. I also dont want a range character as I have already got a ranger.
You don't need to be stealthed, you just need to be behind your target.
You just need to be out of sight of hostile enemies to re-enter stealth. Running round a corner works (which is easy if hasted).
Backstabs can certainly take out very powerful foes, but it's fiddly to use and some enemies are immune.
You might find it easier with a Mage/Thief (gnome Illusionist/Thief). You can use invisibility spells and not bother with Hide/Sneak skills at all.
Unless you have another thief in the party, I would always max out Find Traps before any other skill.
A point in Single weapon fighting is nice for backstabs, as doubles the chance of a criticial hit, which can be *very* effective for backstabs.
Late in the game the Staff of Striking *can* give you one-shot kills from backstabs, though.
Also, it's worth always trying to use a weapon with a fast speed for backstabs, especially if the target is moving. One other thing to bear in mind if dual-wielding, the fastest weapon is the one that does the backstab, so ensure it's the one in the main hand, to avoid a penalty to hit.
I recommend a fighter/thief for this role because, at worst, he's still a fighter. Trying to play the Assassin kit, for example, essentially puts all of your eggs into the Backstabbing basket, which isn't always the best idea.
Still, assassins need quite a few levels under their belt to consistently connect with their moves, since they can't multiclass and a dual-class assassin is worthless unless you're comfortable with major downtime. Unless the assassin is a half-orc with max strength, it will be quite a while in BG1 before they can consistently land a backstab, while the fighter/thief can reach exceptional strength and has a fighter's THAC0.
Plus, a well-built BG1 fighter/thief can reach maximum stealth while maintaining sufficient points to open every lock, disarm every trap, and pick every pocket with some item/potion support. Pretty sure an assassin can't pull that off.
And due to that giant str belt being added, ANY race can have 19 str extremely early in the game.