nearly working hamachi

in Multiplayer
we tried to connect BGEE (build 2012) using hamachi. my friend was able to connect to my hosted game in multiplayer but after i clicked "done" he disconnected and the game started - alone
is there any known fix for that?
is there any known fix for that?
Do you have the same frames setting?
We tried connecting through IP addresses and none of us could connect to each other.
Then we tried Hamanchi, straight away we could all connect into a the character selection lobby.
As the host as soon as I click done it freezes for ages until one by one all the players have been kicked then the game runs normally for me while everyone else is told they've been dropped.
This happens if its just one person or more joining. If I load the game up then let them join, as soon as someone joins the character selection screen appears. I assign characters, click done, and they are dropped. If I don't assign them anything then click done they are dropped.
We are all using Steam 2012 version.
Thanks for any assistance!