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Add golem creation!

satyrionsatyrion Member Posts: 104
Would be awesome if the game would add golem creation so i could creature a flesh golem out of my fallen brothers for example to aid me in battle.

Thw golem would follow ur party at all times until it died or u told it otherwise.

How awsome would it be if u met drizzt and than u just sent ur clay golem to kill him!

Is there any mod that applies this feature?


  • SplodSplod Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013
    Yeah! And then you can create a flesh golem from Drizzt!
  • MathmickMathmick Member Posts: 326
    Make a flesh golem out of...

    Nah, too easy.
  • satyrionsatyrion Member Posts: 104
    Flesh Golems are created from various pieces of human remains, similar to Frankenstein's monster. If control over the Flesh Golem is lost it goes berserk, attacking friends and enemies indiscriminately.
  • SplodSplod Member Posts: 114
    Does someone else want to field this one?
  • satyrionsatyrion Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2013
    Splod said:

    Yeah! And then you can create a flesh golem from Drizzt!

    well seeing u can create special golems from demon flesh and dragon flesh that gains special abilities. Creating one from Drow flesh would probably make it more powerful than creating one from human flesh...
  • SplodSplod Member Posts: 114
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    satyrion said:

    Flesh Golems are created from various pieces of human remains, similar to Frankenstein's monster.

    So you would like to create a "Frankenstein's monster" out of your fallen comrades. Maybe an evil party could live with such a deed.

  • satyrionsatyrion Member Posts: 104
    Wilbur said:

    satyrion said:

    Flesh Golems are created from various pieces of human remains, similar to Frankenstein's monster.

    So you would like to create a "Frankenstein's monster" out of your fallen comrades. Maybe an evil party could live with such a deed.

    Yes, that would be an awesome feature or just from dead NPC's but you needed some expensive ingrediants or something to do it and you could only have 1 golem at the time.

  • PhyraxPhyrax Member Posts: 198
    In BG2 if you're a mage and obtain the Wizards Stronghold, you get a golem to go with it! It is really fun: it's like walking around, then like, walking some more, and maybe even walk a little more!

    OK, iirc there's also some thieves coming in and the golems pummels them to mush, then it walks even some more! Yay!
  • satyrionsatyrion Member Posts: 104
    Phyrax said:

    In BG2 if you're a mage and obtain the Wizards Stronghold, you get a golem to go with it! It is really fun: it's like walking around, then like, walking some more, and maybe even walk a little more!

    OK, iirc there's also some thieves coming in and the golems pummels them to mush, then it walks even some more! Yay!

    LOL thats awesome. I love the thought of being able to summon or create a being more powerful than urself, or at least very very powerful unlike the crappy summons u get in BGEE.

    Like sending a Iron Golem to fight the Mage boss in BG2, stuff like that would be awesome to see.

  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    Well there is that upgradeable book in BG2 ToB which summons Flesh/Stone/Clay golem 1/day.
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  • satyrionsatyrion Member Posts: 104
    How can a friggin stone golem be obsolete?? Thats one powerful badass
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  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    A stone golem merely requires +2 to hit...every enemy and their grandmother is sporting +3 or above by the time you could make it. And all the golems are immune to magic, so the flesh golem you can summon during BG2 is just as good for mage killing as any of the other golems would be. The Clay golem is probably the best of the bunch since it can only be damaged by blunt, as side from a handful of mooks you can kill by thinking too hard in their direction (it's why the immunity to +1 and lower weapons ability you can earn in BG2 is only icing, rather then a legitimate awesome ability, since you get it right before the game moves to ToB.
  • satyrionsatyrion Member Posts: 104
    A Iron Colossus would be fun to be able to create this thing and fight use it at the last boss battle in ToB

    Hit Dice: 96d10 (603 hp)
    Attack: Slam +99 (12d6+35) melee
    Abilities: Str 80
    Challenge Rating: 33
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Please do not add this.

    First off, there is no real need to add this to the game. It doesn't enhance the game in any way (IMHO). Second, creation of Golems are supposed to be the creations of high level wizards (which Charname isn't supposed to be until much later) and takes a really LONG time to do.

    This isn't Skyrim. Charname doesn't need a veritable menagerie of creatures to follow him/her.

    And some of the entries above sound really Monty Hall.
  • satyrionsatyrion Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2013

    Please do not add this.

    First off, there is no real need to add this to the game. It doesn't enhance the game in any way (IMHO). Second, creation of Golems are supposed to be the creations of high level wizards (which Charname isn't supposed to be until much later) and takes a really LONG time to do.

    This isn't Skyrim. Charname doesn't need a veritable menagerie of creatures to follow him/her.

    And some of the entries above sound really Monty Hall.

    but i want this!

    The ultimate CR 60 killing machine of the worlds

  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited January 2013
    Why do people keep bringing Skyrim up as being a bad thing? Skyrim is literally a blatant rip-off of a lot of the good things about PnP DnD, though it does have it's share of downsides as well (fewer then BG does, actually). Hell that's as retarded as saying people who like dogs are evil incarnate because Hitler liked dogs. If Skyrim's story and quests (and morrowinds flight mechanics) were layered over ToEE's 3.5 system, it would be the closest thing to PnP DnD ever created, and that is fact, despite using their own custom system (with crappy combat). The worst thing i say about Skyrim, aside from Gross over use of the same voice actors (which applies to all Bethseda games), and the fact it's a buggy game (which applies to all Bethseda games), is that it it's combat is boring, and it lacks flight unlike Morrowind which was pretty awesome and I'd love a DnD based game that actually allowed you to fly like that within the game mechanics.

    Necromancers/Evil Clerics are literally SUPPOSED to have a literal army of creatures following them, as in PnP, animated dead have no duration (and they can have a total number of undead under their control equal to double their caster level in total HD). They last until destroyed. Rangers and Druids are supposed to get several animal companions at their beck and call (They can either have 1 animal up with up to 1HD less then their own, or several that don't total more then 1 less then the ranger/druid's HD), and that's not even touch the literal army (and I do mean hundreds) of followers non-mage (mages are loner assholes and no one likes them) characters between levels 9-11 get AUTOMATICALLY upon reaching that particular level.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    edited January 2013
    satyrion said:

    Monty Hall.

    but i want this!

    The ultimate CR 60 killing machine of the worlds

    So, in the first place, Wrong setting.

    In the second place, I REALLY hope and try to believe that you are simply trying to be childish and obnoxious to make a joke. I will assume such until and unless I am proven wrong.

    In the third place, as stated above "Monty Hall". Nuff said.

    @Zanathkariashi, My 'Skyrim' comment was not meant as a negative. I personally happen to love Skyrim as a game. But you must admit that these are completely different games and settings. And to put something in one arena that really smacks of the other does nothing but diminish both games. IMHO.

  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    Golem would probably be too strong for BG1. You can get Flesh Golem right in the beginning of BG2 by walking to Watchers Keep and rummaging around some bookshelf. No fighting required.

    (Why the hell have I never done this before myself on mage/sorcerer solo playthroughs?!?!?!??!)
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited January 2013
    Yeah I get what you're saying, but I see that a lot as the reason why something shouldn't be added, even though doing so brings the game closer to accurate PnP DnD which is what I'd love to see happen. The inconsistent implementation of the rules and mechanics BG uses makes the game ridiculously boring.

    In DnD, you're expected to roleplay your character particular ways, based on your stats, alignment, NCPs etc, that BG doesn't even touch. You can choose to do whatever you want even though your character in no ways has the skills to pull it off. Torment on the other hand had minimum stat requirements for certain responses, so someone too dumb, too unsociable, or too gullible would never think of it. And your alignment was an actual reflection of your actions and choices. I feel strongly that while Baldur's Gate's core story is top notch, but the road that gets you there is very flawed. And that doesn't touch the haphazard implementations of class rules and abilities.
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  • ToffeeToffee Member Posts: 55

    some of the entries above sound really Monty Hall.

    Ye spoke at me?

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  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited January 2013
    The golems are ok, but they fill the same role as a 15+ animate dead. Anti-spellcaster minion. Nice for an illusionist though.

    The minimum level to create any golem is level 18 (requires the use of Wish or in the case of Clay Golems, Miracle (only clerics can craft clay golems)), unless you have a golem manual, which has all the proper spells included and merely requires a lvl 14 caster for a Flesh Golem (and they go up from there), 1,000 gold per hit point you want the golem to have, and 1 month of crafting time.

    Also clay and flesh golems have a cumulative 1% chance per round of combat to go permanently berserk. This chance persists between battles, so flesh and clay golems will always eventually go berserk.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Toffee said:

    some of the entries above sound really Monty Hall.

    Ye spoke at me?

    If the battered and blood spattered boot fits. ;0
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