What is the difference between PC and NPC mage?

1. Having in mind that both PC and NPC mages can reach full XP cap of 8 mil. what is the actual difference between them beside attribute points?
2. What is the difference between mage with 17 int and 19 int?
Thanks in advance.
2. What is the difference between mage with 17 int and 19 int?
Thanks in advance.
2. 19 intelligence allows you to memorize all spells and has a significantly better chance of learning them. It also helps for Wish.
2. Int defines the amount of spells a mage can learn per level (not the same as casting per level). it also affects lore and spell failure chance (the likelihood of scribing a scroll into your spell book). And finally it makes you less likely to die in Mind Flayer attacks in BG2 (each hit reduces Int by 3. When you hit 0 you die)
in short Intelligence isn't all that necessary. you can boost it with potions and commit extra spells to your spell book that stay even when the potion's effects wear off