Durlag's Tower - minimum Find Traps score required? (spoilers!)

Is 80 in Find Traps enough to complete Durlag's? I'm recalling the number 85 as a rule. And for a couple of traps 90 is needed, I think... But will 80 actually get it done for the most part? Even if just a few undetected traps get tripped and yet aren't lethal, that's acceptable to me. I know there's a couple traps where the wall will crush you, crush you to goo, if you can't detect them, though.
Post edited by Lemernis on
@Oxford_Guy might be on target here, combining a Perception potion and a Mind Focusing potion should do the trick, though I can't confirm that personally. It's good thinking if you really don't want to invest in a thief.
I don't suppose any of you remembers where I can buy quite a few? High Hedge maybe?