Ring-A-Ding-ding (spoilers)

I don't know if anyone has find these things are not. I started a new PC and was going through the country side doing a grid search pattern looking for critters. I was on the second map moving south when some gibberlings jumped me. After I dropped them, I pressed TAB looking for loot. It was dark and finished combat under a large tree. I could not see anything and I noticed a Smallish-to- Mid sized rock a few feet away and it had a small blue circle glowing in the dark. My first thought was oh great somethings wrong with the game. I moved over to the rock and clicked on the spot. A message popped saying party gained an item. I opened the PC's inventory and had a Very Nice new ring. The rock and ring is to the left of the road where it turns north headed to the Inn. The road does a little swing to left. Turn left and walk out until you are just below a tall tree. I suggest holding down Tab until you find it. OK, Now that's not every thing.
Travel to the Inn when you get there turn right and start walking. Keep tab pressed Until you walk up to another rock that maybe a few feet above your heads. It has a small blue circle in it. Click on it and you get a very good ring for a Mage.
I signed out and back on with my others PC's in turn and each of them found the rings. I'm still not finished. I suspect that other areas may have rocks with other items in them as well. But you have to spend time looking for them. Hey if anyone else finds more let us know plz.
Hey I should get a couple of new Badges for this LOL
Travel to the Inn when you get there turn right and start walking. Keep tab pressed Until you walk up to another rock that maybe a few feet above your heads. It has a small blue circle in it. Click on it and you get a very good ring for a Mage.
I signed out and back on with my others PC's in turn and each of them found the rings. I'm still not finished. I suspect that other areas may have rocks with other items in them as well. But you have to spend time looking for them. Hey if anyone else finds more let us know plz.
Hey I should get a couple of new Badges for this LOL
But always nice to spread the knowledge :-)
sharing ones I know of:
- wand of frost at the nashel mines map (not inside the mines, just the map where the entrance is at)
- west of naskel mines map ... was... some loot. its at the cliff face
- the map where you help the "kid" find his dog... in that patch of forest, there's a hidden loot too (or was it scroll of cloud kill.. i can't remember)
- one of the maps south of beregost (i
t's the one with ogres in it, i think), north/middle of the map, on the rocky ground, there's a pearl loot)
- south of friendly arm inn map... the cross-roads map, north-east of where you meet Eliminster for the first time, there's a ring+1
- map where Gorion is killed... there's a diamond in a tree. off the road, near the middle/east of the map.
- and of course, the evermemory as mentioned above
Let's Share! any others?
Ring of Wizardry ? ( Friendlyarm inn Map)
You can also get another ring +1 in Beregost. Go south of Beregost, kill 2 ogres, get a letter from them, then give it to a lady inside a house, just north from the blacksmith.
And free ankheg armor in Nashkel, just near western border of the map.
And... Ah damn it. Just read some playthrough or something. There are lots of things like that.