Game saves no longer shown.

For no reason my gamesaves, all the way at 25th day, are no longer being shown under the 'load game' option anymore: load game button is disabled because it doesn't appear to recognize the files existing. The game files are still under the correct path, I didn't change anything, and campaign always starts with the nietzsche quote.
Is there any way to force the executable to recognize the existing files?
Or maybe a way to manually load one of my numerous saves?
I would stop playing all together before I start over.
Is there any way to force the executable to recognize the existing files?
Or maybe a way to manually load one of my numerous saves?
I would stop playing all together before I start over.
Alternatively check your documentsandsettings\user\documents folder and see if there is a folder called Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. This is where games are saved.
Lastly you could log in to an administrator account and do a search for "*.sav" (I think is what type of file the baldur's gate files are) on your hard drives. The * just means it will search for any file that ends in .sav